Team:Edinburgh/Wiki Watch


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| [[Team:VCU]]
| [[Team:VCU]]
| Various projects involving the cyanobacterium ''[ Synechococcus elongatus]''.
| [[Team:Virginia]]
| [[Team:Virginia]]
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| [[Team:Virginia Tech]]
| [[Team:Virginia Tech]]
| Fluorescent proteins that fold and degrade quickly, to be used as reporters.

Revision as of 14:39, 16 July 2011

I carried out my orders until arrested. I had no sense that I was
spying, and I ask that this be taken into account in deciding my verdict.

— Witold Pilecki

Team Notes
Team:Alberta Converting biomass to biodiesel using [ Neurospora crassa].
Team:Arizona State Countering antibiotic resistance with [ CRISPR].
Team:Baltimore Creation of a [ Taq polymerase] BioBrick.
Team:Bard-Annandale Logical construct involving quorum sensing and Lux genes.
Team:British Columbia Production of [ monoterpenes] in yeast, to investigate their anti-fungal properties.
Team:Brown-Stanford Terraforming Mars with some sort of Cyanobacteria / E. coli symbiosis?
Team:BU Wellesley Software (Software) Involves plasmid design, recombinases, and tuberculosis?
Team:BYU Provo AND gate using OxyR (input: H2O2) and riboswitch (input: high temperature). Output via [ Cre-Lox].
Team:Calgary Biosensor for [ Naphthenic acids].
Team:Caltech Bioremediation of organic pollutants.
Team:Colombia E. coli that recognise fungal pathogens by their [ chitin], and destroy it or induce plant defenses.
Team:Columbia-Cooper Using metal-binding peptides to form [ quantum dots].
Team:Cornell E. coli that will lyse themselves upon receiving some specific light wavelength.
Team:Gaston Day School Nitrate detector with output as Red Fluorescent Protein.
Team:GeorgiaState Something involving the yeast [ Pichia pastoris].
Team:GeorgiaTech Countering antibiotic resistance with [ CRISPR].
Team:Grinnell Secretion of [http://en.wikipedia/org/wiki/biofilm biofilm]-degrading compounds from [ Caulobacter crescentus].
Team:Harvard Improved targetting of gene therapy using [ zinc finger] DNA binding proteins.
Team:ITESM Mexico [ Arabinose] biosensor with (concentration dependent) output using GFP or CFP.
Team:IvyTech-South Bend Arsenic biosensor with output via smell. May use E. coli or S. cerevisiae.
Team:Johns Hopkins Production of vitamins and minerals in S. cerevisiae.
Team:Lethbridge Bioremediation e.g. of heavy metals.
Team:McGill Control of mammalian cells using light.
Team:Michigan Bind DNA-binding protein to E. coli membrane; attach to surfaces that have oligonucleotides.
Team:Minnesota Light-controlled expression of ompA or Ice Nucleation Protein fused to silicatein for 3D printing.
Team:Missouri Miners
Team:MIT Something involving fluorescence?
Team:Nevada Sugar production from cyanobacteria, to feed E. coli that make biofuel.
Team:Northwestern Detection of [ Pseudomonas aeruginosa] by using its quorum sensing system.
Team:NYC Software (Software) Genome analysis focusing on radiation tolerance.
Team:NYC Wetware Making E. coli radiotolerant by using genes from [ Deinococcus radiodurans].
Team:Panama Synthesis of rhamnolipids.
Team:Penn Cell-cell communication via light.
Team:Penn State Radiation detector using Phage Lambda lytic switch system.
Team:Purdue Bistable toggle switch using [ phytochromes].
Team:Queens Canada Using [ the worm] for sensing pollutants by swimming to them.
Team:Rutgers Bacteria responding to lasers; addition of numbers in bacteria; BioBrick validation.
Team:Tec-Monterrey Production of high fructose syrup using membrane-bound fusion proteins.
Team:Toronto Incorporating a magnetosome system into E. coli?
Team:UANL Mty-Mexico Logic gates taking light signals as inputs.
Team:UCSF Production of biofilms with S. cerevisiae, by cell display of adhesive proteins.
Team:UC Davis
Team:UIUC-Illinois Something with [ sRNA]?
Team:UNAM-Genomics Mexico Hydrogen production in [ Rhizobium etli] in [ Phaseolus vulgaris].
Team:UNAM-ITESM Mexico City Rubber-degrading bacteria.
Team:UNICAMP-EMSE Brazil Something involving stress?
Team:uOttawa Improval of S. cerevisiae for use with BioBricks.
Team:USC Countering antibiotic resistance with [ CRISPR].
Team:Utah State Production of valuable compounds using the cyanobacterium [ Synechocystis].
Team:UT Dallas Repair of human tissue using bacteria.
Team:VCU Various projects involving the cyanobacterium [ Synechococcus elongatus].
Team:Virginia Using S. cerevisiae to produce factors which heal human wounds.
Team:Virginia Tech Fluorescent proteins that fold and degrade quickly, to be used as reporters.
Team:Waterloo Creation of ribozymes that will excise out of an RNA transcript.
Team:West Point
Team:Wisconsin-Madison Biosensors to detect biofuels?
Team:Yale Production of antifreeze using E. coli and a gene from the Rhagium inquisitor beetle.
Team Notes
Team:CBNU-Korea Synthesising a minimal chromosome; somehow involving [ V. cholerae].
Team:Fudan-Shanghai Nitrate detection; switching between different colour production; something else.
Team:HIT-Harbin Yoghurt bacteria that stop producing acid once the yoghurt is acidic enough.
Team:HKU-Hong Kong Silencing specific genes with a modified histone-like nucleoid structuring protein.
Team:HKUST-Hong Kong Degrading [ indole] using toluene-4-monooxygenase, to boost antibiotic susceptibility.
Team:HokkaidoU Japan
Team:Hong Kong-CUHK Light-driven ion pump to produce electricity.
Team:HUST-China Modification of gut-colonising bacteria to degrade alcohol and prevent people being drunk.
Team:IIT Madras
Team:KAIST-Korea Artistic E. coli, expressing fluorescence in response to quorum sensing molecules.
Team:KAIT Japan
Team:KIT-Kyoto Using quorum sensing to turn on and off GFP expression for aesthetic purposes.
Team:Korea U Seoul Production of [ alkanes] from glucose.
Team:Kyoto Attracting insects with light, trapping them with gum, and digesting them.
Team:Macquarie Australia "Bacterial light switch" involving [ bacteriaphytochrome] and [ heme oxygenase].
Team:NCTU Formosa Temperature controlled expression; testing with [ carotenoid], violacein, and [ butanol] synthesis.
Team:NYMU-Taipei Something involving magnetosomes to transduce a signal; also DNA for information storage.
Team:Osaka Radiation dosimeter using DNA repair systems to detect radiation.
Team:OUC-China Promotion and inhibition of bacterial strains by each other.
Team:Peking R Something involving [ riboswitches] and synthetic ribosome binding sites.
Team:Peking S Something with cell-cell communication.
Team:SJTU-BioX-Shanghai Translational control.
Team:SYSU-China Bacteria that move towards ionising radiation and absorb radioisotopes.
Team:Tokyo-NoKoGen Bacteria that absorb radioactive [ caesium].
Team:Tokyo Metropolitan Killer E. coli that swim to some "target" and kill it.
Team:Tokyo Tech Rock/Paper/Scissors bacteria; urea production; [ isoprene] for cloud seeding.
Team:Tsinghua Something involving movement of proteins.
Team:Tsinghua-A Oscillation between red and green fluorescence, using quorum sensing.
Team:TzuChiU Formosa
Team:UNIST Korea An organism which will kill itself upon escape from the lab.
Team:UQ-Australia 24-hour bacterial oscillator.
Team:USTC-China "Self-organized bacteria".
Team:USTC-Software (Software) Visual tool for analysing dynamics of biological systems.
Team:UT-Tokyo Bacteria that respond to stress by creating a signal, which other bacteria swim towards.
Team:VIT Vellore Enteric bacteria producing drugs or other compounds for the body.
Team:Waseda-Japan Something involving responding to different colours of light.
Team:WHU-China Bacterial communication with light; also colour photography using E. coli.
Team:XMU-China Something involving GFP.
Team:ZJU-China Something involving using biofilms.
Team Notes
Team:Amsterdam Make E. coli psychrophilic (cold loving).
Team:Bielefeld-Germany Cell-free biosensor for bisphenol A.
Team:Bilkent UNAM Turkey Production of protein from algae e.g. [ Chlamydomonas reinhardtii].
Team:Cambridge Expression of [ reflectins].
Team:CongoDRC-Bel Campus Vaccine for [ Mycobacterium ulcerans].
Team:Copenhagen Removal of pharmaceutical products from water with [ cytochrome P450].
Team:Debrecen Hungary
Team:DTU-Denmark Using sRNA for post-transcriptional regulation.
Team:Dundee Creation of [ bacterial microcompartments].
Team:Edinburgh Display of cellulases on phage (via M13 pVIII) and on cell surfaces (via Ice Nucleation Protein).
Team:EPF-Lausanne Creation of new [ transcription factors].
Team:ETH Zurich Biological smoke detector by detection of [ acetaldehyde].
Team:Fatih Turkey Using [ B. subtilis] to detect E. coli?
Team:Freiburg A cheaper system for protein purification.
Team:Grenoble Determination of metal concentration by growing reporter bacteria on an IPTG gradient.
Team:Groningen Remembering that an input has occurred and using a biological [ AND gate] to count occurrences.
Team:Imperial College London
Team:KULeuven Creation and prevention of ice with Ice Nucleation Protein and Anti Freeze Protein.
Team:LMU-Munich Metal biosensors with a focus on quantification.
Team:Lyon-INSA-ENS Biofilter for radioactive waste.
Team:METU-Ankara Methane biosensor and methane conversion into methanol.
Team:METU-BIN Ankara (Software) Web based tool for construct planning.
Team:METU Turkey SoftLab
Team:Nairobi Engineering a fungus to kill insects.
Team:NTNU Trondheim Detection of bacterial stress; based on the E. coli "[ stringent response]" which produces ppGpp.
Team:Paris Bettencourt Passing signals e.g. RNA from cell to cell via nanotubes.
Team:Potsdam Bioware
Team:Sevilla Biological circuits using multiple different genotypes at once.
Team:Strathclyde Glasgow
Team:St Andrews Production of anti-microbial peptides in E. coli to kill bacteria.
Team:TU-Delft Expressing mussel glue protein in E. coli to attach to stuff, with inducible detachment.
Team:TU Munich 3D printing by immobilising E. coli in a gel and turning on genes iff two different coloured lasers hit.
Team:UCL London Using [ gyrase] to increase supercoiling of plasmids.
Team:UEA-JIC Norwich Glow-in-the-dark bacteria, protists, and moss.
Team:UNITS Trieste Synthetic biome where bacteria and eukaryotic cells depend on each other to survive.
Team:UPO-Sevilla Biological memory with bistable toggle switches.
Team:Uppsala-Sweden Light-induced gene expression.
Team:Valencia Production of antimicrobial peptides to clean up drinking water.
Team:Wageningen UR Oscillating, synchronised gene expression in E. coli, and communication along fungal [ hyphae].
Team:WITS-CSIR SA E. coli that search for a ligand then, upon finding it, return to a point of origin and report.