Revision as of 12:34, 21 September 2011 by Jannekevanrenterghem (Talk | contribs)
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![TUDelft Logo2](
![TUDelft Logo2](
![TUDelft Logo2](
![TUDelft Logo2](
![TUDelft Logo2](
![TUDelft Logo2](
The Project What we are doing
The Team Who we are
Notebooks What we did
Human Practice Awareness
Safety Responsibilty
We would like to thank the following people for their help during the project:
- Aljoscha Wahl, Esengul Yildirim, Alessandro Abate, Anne Meyer and Katelijne Bekers for their great combined supervision.
- Han de Winde and Mirjam van der Geur for their moral support.
- Conrad de Jong for the initial wiki design
- Janneke Noorlag for her scientific contribution
- Nadine Bongaerts, Eva Brinkman, Hugo Cueto‐Rojas and Mathias Voges for their advice as experienced iGEM-team
- iGEM TUDelft 2010 for the information over our University.
- Dennis Rütze for his contribution by making the historical movie and advices on modelling
- The Brown Stanford iGEM team for their beautiful menu layout
- The Rathenau Institute, especially Dirk Stemerding and Virgil Rerimassie for giving us the opportunity to host the Jump-start event for the Meeting of Young minds.
- Chantal Gillard, Luuk van der Wielen, Henk van der Belt, Frans Brom and Huib de Vriend for their lectures and participation in the Jump-start event.
- Lesley Robertson for making our project possible by providing the permits, for giving advice and we are grateful that we were allowed to show the movies made by the use of the Van Leeuwenhoek replica.
- Simon de Vries for the useful technical discussion.
- Jaap Flohil for hosting our team by providing office space.
- The Enzymology Department for hosting our team by providing lab space.
- Tineke Vendrig and Charl Moolman for their great support and help with the spinning disk confocal and TIRF microscope.
- Laura Koekkoek,Aida Hiseni and Marc Strampraad for their lab support.
- Sjaak Lispet, Hans Kemper and Jos Lispet for their technical support.
- Hans Fraaije, Peter Punt, Martijn Pinkse, Rob van der Lans, Marcel Bus and Dimitra Dodou for the useful technical discussions.
- Simon Goede for his administrative support.
- The Science Centre, especially Liesbeth van Hees and Michael van der Meer for giving us the opportunity to collaborate in redecorating the Biotechnology Room. We are also grateful for the possibilitie to host the evening of the Jump-start event in the Science Centre.
- Erik van Hellemont, for giving us tips about press opportunities and for giving us the opportunity to take part during the Wetenschapsdag
- iGEM team of Berkeley Wetlab 2009, iGEM team of Tokyo Tech 2009 and iGEM team of SDU-Denmark 2010 for their great effort in constructing their BioBricks, which we grateful used during our project.
- Stefan Heiijbroek for helping us with designing the logo
- Douglas Anderson for his interview about Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek
- All our friends and familie for supporting us during the summer
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