Team:Cambridge/Protocols/Confocal Microscopy of Loligo Eye and Mantle Dermis Samples


Revision as of 15:56, 10 August 2011 by Cat (Talk | contribs)


Confocal Microscopy of Loligo Eye and Mantle Dermis Samples

Samples were dissected from fresh Loligo vulgaris squid eye cups using disposable scalpels and razor blades. These were mounted on glass microscope slides with PBS and cover slips.

The confocal microscope was set to capture reflected light (the receiver wavelengths encompassed the incident laser light) and incident beams of 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 633nm were used. Paul Grant optimised the settings and the images were overlaid. (File name - 19711 squid iridescence 11 will recall the settings used)

We also very grateful to Fernan Federici for his help.


The main dangers to be aware of are scalpels, glass slides and the laser within the microscope.

Disposable scalpels were used, which are easily disposed of in the yellow sharps bins in the labs. Broken glass should be reported to the lab manager and carefully brushed up and disposed of in the allocated glass bin. The laser is only dangerous when the filter block is being rotated, so the operator of the microscope should inform anyone when this is occuring and make sure no one is looking at the eye-pieces when the filter blocks are changed. Using the computer monitor for observation eliminates the risk of eye damage from the lasers.