Team:UEA-JIC Norwich/Human practices/Interviewtwelve


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University of East Anglia-JIC


Interview Twelve

1. Not real, due to the word synthetic. Man made.

2. Should leave nature alone, not be interfered with.

3. Because we interfere with nature to much, if we interfere with it we could mess up our world which we live in.

4. No, don’t pay attention to that “rubbish”.

5. Interfering again, similar to synthetic biology.

6. Leave things alone, shouldn’t mix different parts of organisms together to see what happens. Just let nature be.

7. Believe in Mother Nature and that it should not be interfered with. Nature looks after itself.

8. No.

9. Shouldn’t have started exploring this avenue. Firmly against it. We can’t live forever, just accept life as what it is. (Asked antibiotics as an example) Antibiotics are a good thing. (Mention development of high yield rice in Asia) Sees a better knowledge of contraceptives rather than feeding a massively growing population as a solution.

10. I don’t know, already have strong views based on it, difficult to change.