July 24, 2011
- Control II of yesterday's experiment grew colonies in 10x and 100x dilution, colonies located at edges of nitro paper
- Attempted revival of ? of yesterday’s filter paper experiment:
- flip the paper upside down (side containing cells facing down) onto new Bang plates. The moisture of the plate covers the paper.
- On one half of the paper, add 50 ul Bang media, to wet/wash the cells onto the plate.
- Repeat dried filter paper experiment with Subtilis (OD 0.996) and E. coli (OD 1.12) grown up from yesterday.
- Transformation of E. coli (competent Top10) with D1 plasmid containing amp resistance
- Growing up 50 mL of E. coli containing cscB plasmid in LB + amp
- Made BANG plates with a gradient of Kan to test for S. pasteurii survival
- Data will be used to make plates to select for Kan resistance in transformed pasteurii
July 25, 2011
- Perform additional Phusion PCRs:
- Round 1: cscB|TTsp; cscB|RBSgfp; rbsGFPttsp; (no pos control)
- cscB|TTsp bands visualized, cut; the rest were inconclusive; redo
- cscB|RBSgfp was distorted on gel; both CG and GFP exhibited lots of secondary amplifications; try higher specific
- make BG11 N+ plates (in prep for NDA) (see NDA3 design document)
- Test transformation - liquid cultures of conjugative transformation E. coli lines
- pRL1383a - from plate
- pRL443 - from plate
- RP1 - from cryo
- pRL25 - from plate
- pDS4101 - from agar
- make liquid culture of E. coli W for NDA3 - from cryo
- Innoculated 5 more 500mL liquid cultures for both Ana and Nos
- Tranformed J45120 and J45200 for long (+) conts. for PCRs
July 26, 2011
- gel extraction on cscB|TTsp from 7/25/11
- PCR cscB|RBSgfp; rbsGFPttsp (WITH PROPER TEMPLATE); Ana str, Nos str, RBSs|cscB; gradient from 55-45C
- design primer for prom-GFP-ttsp construct;
- Prepare test transformation with prepared liquid cultures (eek)
- make three classes of plates (BG11 agar + 5% LB; BG11 agar + spec; BG11 agar + kan)
- BG11 + LB agar plates (more like ~160ml BG11, 16.6ml LB, ~180ml agar); 133ml BG11 + ~133ml agar + 335ul spec100; 133ml BG11 + ~133ml agar + 335ul kan20
- See cyanobacterial transformation document for protocol
- Liquid cultures of transformation plasmid strains, again.
- transformed j45200 long pos cont.
- gel extracted cscb|TTSP phusion PCR. 32.9 ng\ul
- miniprep long pos controls
- PCR m.AvaI??????????
July 27, 2011
- Image PCR from 7/26 (rbsGFPttsp; cscB|rbsGFP; Ana str; Nos str; RBSsCscB);
- samples are still in the gradient cycler in Innovation Lab (turn off after removing tubes!);
- run the 20 lanes from 7/26 (five templates x four temperatures), re-run the four lanes of Nostoc med part (from 7/21 PCR) in order to obtain more gel extracted product
- Gel 1 (0.7%): 1kb ladder, rbsGFPttsp; cscB|rbsGFP
- Gel 2 (2%): 100bp ladder, Ana str, Nos str
- Gel 3 (2%): 100bp ladder, RBSsCscB, Nos med
- Try to doublecheck GelRed procedure with Thomas before making gels
- Extract any good bands (follow Thomas’ suggested modifications to maximize yield), Nanodrop readings
- Another stab at transformation!
- made BG11+1% Agar+5% LB, BG11+1% Agar+Spec, BG11+1%Agar+Kan plates
- Continued transformation begun 7/26 with Julius’ plates, incubating for one day in 30?
- Began new transformation on new plates, incubating in 30?
- Setup cross of pDS4101 and pRL25 to incubate overnight, to be streaked tomorrow on amp/kan LB.
- Liquid cultures involved in conjugative transformation are stored in 335 4?.
- Ran Gels on Julius’ PCR from 26Jy2011 (Cscb|RBSgfp, RBS-GFP-TTSP, RBSs|cscB, Ana S, Nos S) cut out bands.
- Lots of extraneous amplification, especially in cscB|RBSgfp - cut out bands in right places, but sort of dubious they’re the right things...
- Innoculated 4mL liquid stock of long pos cont. for mini prep.
July 28, 2011
- Streak pDS4101xpRL25 onto amp/kan (lei/jovian)
- gel extraction of 1st round PCR’s
- miniprep of long positive control from registry
- 2nd round PCR’s
- Gel of 2nd round PCR’s
- Gel extraction of 2nd round PCR’s
- continue transformation-post-conjugation cells streaked onto antibiotic BG11 for attempts 1 and 2
- lab cleaning at 1:30
- Successful balloon launch this morning (Max tell us more!)
- Plasmid prepped pUB110 using the modified qiagen protocol w/ lysozyme.
- Ran a gel to confirm the presence of the plasmid which is ~4500 bp
- Today was lab clean up day. Yipee
July 29, 2011
- ran gel of 2nd round PCRs
- cut out bands, gel purified
- successfully got
- PCR amplification of pSB1C3 and pSB1A3 with g1001, g0001 primers
- Create and aliquot Gibson master mix