Team:Amsterdam/Human Outreach/Collaboration


Revision as of 11:32, 16 August 2011 by SandraC189 (Talk | contribs)

Synthetic Biology is an important but still controversial scientific discipline. Most of the people still don’t know what we can truly do with it. They think synthetic biology is a dangerous field and only entails risks. But Synthetic Biology has many positive applications as well. In order to dispose this negative image it’s important to share the results and experiences with other people. Not only with other scientists but also with people who have no knowledge about this type of research.

Worldwide 167 teams participate in this competition. We try to collaborate with them as much as possible. Helping each other will improve the research of all the teams. This collaboration has taken on many different forms: from having social gatherings with the other Dutch teams to sharing Bio bricks with other teams. On this part of the site you find the different collaborations we had with the other teams.