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icE. coli

Escherichia coli's optimal growth temperature is 37°C. Its growth rate decreases drastically at lower temperatures and growth completely halts below 7°C. The aim of our project is to increase the cold tolerance of E. coli by expressing and combining several chaperone proteins that are normally found in psychrophillic bacteria. Chaperone proteins are essential in maintaining correct protein folding following changes in temperature. As such, expressing these proteins will enable enhanced growth rates at temperatures below 37°C and shift the minimal growth temperature down from 7°C, possibly even allowing growth near 0°C. Protein expression is achieved by using BioBricks, combining promoters and ribosome binding sites characterized by previous iGEM teams with newly synthesized genes that encode for psychrophile chaperones. While our subject is mainly fundamental in nature, there are various practical applications such as selection for growth on low temperatures instead of antibiotics or the optimization of biofuel production.


The different proteins we intend to use for making cold resistant E. coli strains widely fall into two different categories: chaperones and antifreeze proteins. We expect expression of chaperones from psychrotrophic organisms will allow our E. coli to grow more easily at temperatures below 37°C, possibly even shifting their minimum growth temperature from 7°C (the wildtype minimum) to 0°C or lower. If we can achieve this, additional expression of antifreeze proteins might push the minimum temperature even further down. For more detailed information on any of the parts listed below, refer to our Basic Parts page in the BioBricks section.


Chaperone proteins are closely involved with the folding of other molecules. They bind substances like RNA or other proteins, and can then inhibit or stimulate conformational changes. Such interactions may facilitate protection against degradation or unfolding, or even refolding of denatured proteins. This, in turn, can safeguard the functionality of a chaperone's target. As such, certain chaperones have been observed to bestow cold resistance to the organisms that express them, by protecting molecules that are sensitive to cold. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first and thus far only iGEM team to try and achieve cold resistance through the expression of chaperone proteins. The following chaperones will be used in our CryoBricks:

  • OaCpn10 (From Oleispira antarctica)
  • OaCpn60 (From Oleispira antarctica)
  • SheDnaK (From Shewanella sp. AC10)
  • PiCspA (From Polaribacter irgensii)
  • PiCspC (From Polaribacter irgensii)

Antifreeze Proteins

Antifreeze proteins, or AFPs, facilitate survival at subzero temperatures by binding small ice crystals and inhibiting their growth, preventing fatal ice crystallization. Some of them are also suspected to interact with cell membranes to protect them from cold damage. Note that they functionally differ from commercial antifreeze products - used in cars for example - in that they do not lower the freezing point in a manner linearly proportional to their concentration. Other iGEM teams have already worked with AFPs, such as team Mexico 2010 and team Tokyo 2009 before them. This year, the teams of Leuven and Yale also incorporate AFPs in their respective projects. The following AFPs will be used in our CryoBricks:

  • RiAFP (From the holarctic longhorn beetle Rhagium inquisitor)
  • TmAFP (From the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor)
  • ZeAFP (From the demersal eelpout Zoarces elongatus)

Project Modules

[Under construction]

In order to succesfully create a cold resistant strain of E. coli, we intend to express an ideal combination of the chaperones and AFPs listed above. Unfortunately, this is not as straightforward as it sounds.

  • Characterizing and modelling promoters and ribosome binding sites
  • Assembling individual CryoBrick candidates into PRCT assemblies
  • Characterizing and modelling strains transformed with above assemblies
  • Assembling combinations of PRCT bricks based on their characterization
  • Characterizing strains transformed with combinations of CryoBricks

In parallel

  • Try combining parts with previous iGEM teams' parts, if time allows?
  • Send parts to current iGEM teams if desired -- might help them out.
  • Make and test a cold resistance backbone
  • Try to heterologously express EFE and ButB