Agenda: Transformation of promoter part K346002 in E.Coli Bacteria


06/02/11 Agenda: Transformation of promoter part K346002 in E.Coli Bacteria

  Decided to Transform E.col: three transformations with the E080 part, the J45004 part, 
  and the K346002 part. We follow this procedure.
(1)105 E.col: calls were added to 100ul BioRad Transformation Solution.
(2)1ul of each part of DNA from the Registery was added to the cells which were incubated 
   30min on ice.
(3)Cells were heat shocked by swirling in water at 42 degree water bath for 2min. Then 
   return to ice for 30min.
(4)1ml 50B buffer was added to the cells and they were incubated for 2 hrs. at room temp.
(5)100ul of the transformed cells were plated on a fresh LB/AMP plate.

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