Team:British Columbia/Notebook/29 June 2011


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Team: British Columbia -

June 29 2011

Training: The plan was to make kanamycin plates, but this was at a stand-still as we had troubles locating the tube of kanamycin sulfate salt.

beta-pinene & (-)-limonene synthase

  • Verified yesterday's SDM-PCR products through gel electrophoresis. No bands were present in any of the lanes.
  • Troubleshooting: The dNTP could have been too old/contaminated (we had troubles with this particular tube of dNTP from last year); the concentrations for the reagents used were not optimized - Marianne researched protocols and optimized the SDM-PCR protocol. We (Vicki and Marianne) will test it tomorrow.


Jacob transformed competent cells with his SDM-PCR product. Also ran SDM-PCR on variant of original synthase.