Team:Imperial College London/Notebook/week4


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===Week 3: 25th July to 31st July===
<h2>Week 4: 25th July to 31st July</h2>
====Monday, 25th July====
<h3>Monday, 25th July</h3>
We arrived at Norwich for the UK iGEM meet-up. We presented our project to the other UK teams and gained valuable feedback. The other teams presented their projects as well and we gained new insights into their projects. Many parts of their presentations were pretty relevant to our project. For instance, one team was making a kill switch which we would also need as part of our project. There was a great exchange of ideas and opinions and it surely was a fruitful day for us as we gathered advice and learned from others.
<p>We arrived at Norwich for the UK iGEM meet-up. We presented our project to   the other UK teams and gained valuable feedback. The other teams presented their   projects as well and we gained new insights into their projects. Many parts of   their presentations were pretty relevant to our project. For instance, one team   was making a kill switch which we would also need as part of our project. There   was a great exchange of ideas and opinions and it surely was a fruitful day for   us as we gathered advice and learned from others. </p>
<p>In the evening, we mingled with students from the other teams and had loads   of fun activities. After that, we had a great time and team bonding session at   the clubs.</p>
In the evening, we mingled with students from the other teams and had loads of fun activities. After that, we had a great time and team bonding session at the clubs.
====Tuesday, 26th July====
This was the second day of the UK iGEM meet-up. We had four interesting talks on synthetic biology. In particular, we picked up many good points from one of the talks on human practice. It reminded us of the many ethical issues and responsibilities that we bear and should take into account into our project as we dealt with synthetic biology. Another talk by James Brown from Cambridge was also very relevant and useful to our project. We were very impressed by some of the great images of plant root growth and the modelling of the individual root cells. Ming and Rebecca also successfully collected the seeds that we need for our project. On the train back to London, we went through many of the great ideas and information that we had gathered during the meet-up. We also drew up plans and set up experiment timetables for the week.
====Wednesday, 27th July====
Today we had a meeting with the professors to update them on our progress. We also had the RCA group with us to talk about their ideas. The main feedback from the meeting was that we need to figure out our kill switch or containment mechanism asap for the human practices so that it can actually inform our design rather than be tagged on. This is for the containment of bacteria in soil as well as the issue of horizontal gene transfer. We also found out that Prof Kitney knows everyone.
Koby and CJ showed us an amazing logo designed by Koby. CJ did loads of research into public policy and media around GMO, which is on the blog now embedded in our wiki.
We had good news form Ming today, our baby Arabidopsis are ready to be experimented on! We also recieved the YFP seeds from Nottingham. 
Chris and Nick started work in the lab, preparing plates etc. fun fun. We finally finished the questions to email to Claire. 
I had sushi for lunch.
====Thursday, 28th July====
Today everyone made big progress.
Nikki redefined the problem our project wants to solve;
she suggested that it might be better if we don’t focus on solving desertification completely, but integrate our project with green plant process to help in re-vegetation.
Chris found a paper, which describes the auxin production in a cell. So we are going to have journal club tomorrow to discuss about it.  And he also transformed three plasmids into E.coli, which can be used later for Gibson Assembly.
Ming and Rebekka were taking care of the seeds. Rebekka also contacted Dr. Robert Cariffiths at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology about soil microbiology.  While, Ming helped us ding research about modeling of branch of root. Many thanks for Ming from modeling team!!
Nick found James Chapel today. James showed him how to deal with wide-field microscopy.
Thank you Frank for introducing us the Chemotaxis guy Luke Tweedy, he generously helped us a lot in Chemotaxis modeling.  Franks also had good news for us: he found a new developed version of kill switch.
Nina was modeling the auxin production today and I was modeling the chemotaxis animation. The bad news is I don’t know why the bacteria are moving away from chemoattractant. I wish I could fix it tomorrow.
Finally, Yuanwei’s efforts were visible, please go to Imperial iGEM Wiki 2011. 
====Friday, 29th July====
First, happy birthday to Ming again
Chris,Nick and Rebekka
finished the auxin production overview for our wiki
MCPs protein arrived from Spain
wetlab: transforming the cells
<h3>Tuesday, 26th July</h3>
uploaded the live news
<p>This was the second day of the UK iGEM meet-up. We had four interesting talks  on synthetic biology. In particular, we picked up many good points from one of  the talks on human practice. It reminded us of the many ethical issues and   responsibilities that we bear and should take into account into our project as  we dealt with synthetic biology. Another talk by James Brown from Cambridge was  also very relevant and useful to our project. We were very impressed by some of  the great images of plant root growth and the modelling of the individual root  cells. Ming and Rebecca also successfully collected the seeds that we need for  our project. On the train back to London, we went through many of the great  ideas and information that we had gathered during the meet-up. We also drew up  plans and set up experiment timetables for the week.</p>
finished the sponsorship page and the brainstorming page
the dessertification description page will be finished soon
<h3>Wednesday, 27th July</h3>
abstract for the homepage
<p>Today we had a meeting with the professors to update them on our progress. We  also had the RCA group with us to talk about their ideas. The main feedback from  the meeting was that we need to figure out our kill switch or containment  mechanism asap for the human practices so that it can actually inform our design  rather than be tagged on. This is for the containment of bacteria in soil as  well as the issue of horizontal gene transfer. We also found out that Prof  Kitney knows everyone. </p>
blog reading
<p>Koby and CJ showed us an amazing logo designed by Koby. CJ did loads of  research into public policy and media around GMO, which is on the blog now  embedded in our wiki. </p>
the information about other relative iGem projects
<p>We had good news form Ming today, our baby Arabidopsis are ready to be  experimented on! We also recieved the YFP seeds from Nottingham. </p>
<p>Chris and Nick started work in the lab, preparing plates etc. fun fun. We  finally finished the questions to email to Claire. </p>
<p>I had sushi for lunch.</p>
Si and Nina
<h3>Thursday, 28th July</h3>
finished the animation to demonstrate the bacterial population dynamics
<p>Today everyone made big progress. </p>
1000 bacteria are re-directed with the presence of chemoattractant
<p> Nikki redefined the problem our project wants to solve; she suggested  that it might be better if we don&rsquo;t focus on solving desertification completely,  but integrate our project with green plant process to help in re-vegetation. </p>
as the radius goes further, the chemoreceptors are not sensitive enough to detect malate
<p> Chris found a paper, which describes the auxin production in a cell. So  we are going to have journal club tomorrow to discuss about it. And he also  transformed three plasmids into E.coli, which can be used later for Gibson  Assembly. </p>
therefore, random(Levy) walks
<p>  Ming and Rebekka were taking care of the seeds. Rebekka also contacted  Dr. Robert Cariffiths at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology about soil  microbiology. While, Ming helped us ding research about modeling of branch of  root. Many thanks for Ming from modeling team!! </p>
the auxin synthesis pathway is modelled with a set of ODEs
<p> Nick found James Chapel today. James showed him how to deal with   wide-field microscopy. </p>
change of the concentration of [E],[S],[ES],[EI],[P] with respect to time
<p>  Thank you Frank for introducing us the Chemotaxis guy Luke Tweedy, he  generously helped us a lot in Chemotaxis modeling. Franks also had good news for  us: he found a new developed version of kill switch. </p>
several parameters are needed to finish the model
<p>  Nina was modeling the auxin production today and I was modeling the  chemotaxis animation. The bad news is I don&rsquo;t know why the bacteria are moving  away from chemoattractant. I wish I could fix it tomorrow. </p>
<p>  Finally, Yuanwei&rsquo;s efforts were visible, please go to Imperial iGEM Wiki  2011.</p>
<h3>Friday, 29th July</h3>
help the modeling team with the Michaelis-Menten kinetics
<p>First, happy birthday to Ming again </p>
<p>  Chris,Nick and Rebekka </p>
<p>finished the auxin production overview for our wiki MCPs protein arrived from  Spain wetlab: transforming the cells </p>
progression in kill-switch
<p>Yuanwei </p>
we need your help to model it !
<p>uploaded the live news finished the sponsorship page and the brainstorming  page the dessertification description page will be finished soon </p>
<p>Nikki </p>
<p>abstract for the homepage blog reading the information about other relative  iGem projects </p>
<p>Si and Nina </p>
<p>finished the animation to demonstrate the bacterial population dynamics 1000  bacteria are re-directed with the presence of chemoattractant as the radius goes  further, the chemoreceptors are not sensitive enough to detect malate therefore,  random(Levy) walks the auxin synthesis pathway is modelled with a set of ODEs  change of the concentration of [E],[S],[ES],[EI],[P] with respect to time  several parameters are needed to finish the model </p>
<p>Ming </p>
<p>help the modeling team with the Michaelis-Menten kinetics </p>
<p>Frank </p>
<p>progression in kill-switch we need your help to model it !</p>

Latest revision as of 08:59, 9 August 2011


This is our diary page which records the daily activities of the team. Click on the links below to see a summary of events and activities happening each week.

Week 4: 25th July to 31st July

Monday, 25th July

We arrived at Norwich for the UK iGEM meet-up. We presented our project to the other UK teams and gained valuable feedback. The other teams presented their projects as well and we gained new insights into their projects. Many parts of their presentations were pretty relevant to our project. For instance, one team was making a kill switch which we would also need as part of our project. There was a great exchange of ideas and opinions and it surely was a fruitful day for us as we gathered advice and learned from others.

In the evening, we mingled with students from the other teams and had loads of fun activities. After that, we had a great time and team bonding session at the clubs.

Tuesday, 26th July

This was the second day of the UK iGEM meet-up. We had four interesting talks on synthetic biology. In particular, we picked up many good points from one of the talks on human practice. It reminded us of the many ethical issues and responsibilities that we bear and should take into account into our project as we dealt with synthetic biology. Another talk by James Brown from Cambridge was also very relevant and useful to our project. We were very impressed by some of the great images of plant root growth and the modelling of the individual root cells. Ming and Rebecca also successfully collected the seeds that we need for our project. On the train back to London, we went through many of the great ideas and information that we had gathered during the meet-up. We also drew up plans and set up experiment timetables for the week.

Wednesday, 27th July

Today we had a meeting with the professors to update them on our progress. We also had the RCA group with us to talk about their ideas. The main feedback from the meeting was that we need to figure out our kill switch or containment mechanism asap for the human practices so that it can actually inform our design rather than be tagged on. This is for the containment of bacteria in soil as well as the issue of horizontal gene transfer. We also found out that Prof Kitney knows everyone.

Koby and CJ showed us an amazing logo designed by Koby. CJ did loads of research into public policy and media around GMO, which is on the blog now embedded in our wiki.

We had good news form Ming today, our baby Arabidopsis are ready to be experimented on! We also recieved the YFP seeds from Nottingham.

Chris and Nick started work in the lab, preparing plates etc. fun fun. We finally finished the questions to email to Claire.

I had sushi for lunch.

Thursday, 28th July

Today everyone made big progress.

Nikki redefined the problem our project wants to solve; she suggested that it might be better if we don’t focus on solving desertification completely, but integrate our project with green plant process to help in re-vegetation.

Chris found a paper, which describes the auxin production in a cell. So we are going to have journal club tomorrow to discuss about it. And he also transformed three plasmids into E.coli, which can be used later for Gibson Assembly.

Ming and Rebekka were taking care of the seeds. Rebekka also contacted Dr. Robert Cariffiths at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology about soil microbiology. While, Ming helped us ding research about modeling of branch of root. Many thanks for Ming from modeling team!!

Nick found James Chapel today. James showed him how to deal with wide-field microscopy.

Thank you Frank for introducing us the Chemotaxis guy Luke Tweedy, he generously helped us a lot in Chemotaxis modeling. Franks also had good news for us: he found a new developed version of kill switch.

Nina was modeling the auxin production today and I was modeling the chemotaxis animation. The bad news is I don’t know why the bacteria are moving away from chemoattractant. I wish I could fix it tomorrow.

Finally, Yuanwei’s efforts were visible, please go to Imperial iGEM Wiki 2011.

Friday, 29th July

First, happy birthday to Ming again

Chris,Nick and Rebekka

finished the auxin production overview for our wiki MCPs protein arrived from Spain wetlab: transforming the cells


uploaded the live news finished the sponsorship page and the brainstorming page the dessertification description page will be finished soon


abstract for the homepage blog reading the information about other relative iGem projects

Si and Nina

finished the animation to demonstrate the bacterial population dynamics 1000 bacteria are re-directed with the presence of chemoattractant as the radius goes further, the chemoreceptors are not sensitive enough to detect malate therefore, random(Levy) walks the auxin synthesis pathway is modelled with a set of ODEs change of the concentration of [E],[S],[ES],[EI],[P] with respect to time several parameters are needed to finish the model


help the modeling team with the Michaelis-Menten kinetics


progression in kill-switch we need your help to model it !