Team:ETH Zurich/Team/Acknowledgements


Revision as of 20:17, 25 October 2011 by Luwidmer (Talk | contribs)

Can you feel the smoke tonight?



We could not have achieved our SmoColi all by ourselves, and after our long journey we have many people to thank! First of all, this project would not have been possible without the support of our supervisors Sven Panke and Joerg Stelling and the support of our sponsors. We would also like to extend lots of thanks to the following people, companies and organizations without whom our project would not have been possible:


  • [ Marius Müller] at [ D-BSSE], ETH Zurich, for helpful suggestions for experimental design, especially acetaldehyde handling
  • [ Sonja Billerbeck], [ Andreas Bosshart], [ Andreas Meyer] and the whole [ BPL research] group of Professor Sven Panke at [ D-BSSE], ETH Zurich for their inputs and suggestions about biological research techniques and error solving.

Process Design

  • [ Dr. Olivier Frey] of the [ Bio Engineering Laboratory] at [ D-BSSE], ETH Zurich, for enlightening discussions about microfluidics
  • [ Microsoft Research] for the [ Microsoft Research Image Composite Editor] which enabled us to reassemble nicer pictures of gradients that do not fit into a single microscope frame / photo.


  • [ Sotiris Dimopoulos] of the [ Computational Systems Biology Group], ETH Zurich, for helping with sensitivity analysis and providing analysis tools.
  • [ Philipp Rüst] of the [ Center of Mechanics], ETH Zurich, for giving the modelers a short crash course in COMSOL Multiphysics.
  • The [ Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) of ETH Zurich] for providing us access to COMSOL Multiphysics and MATLAB.
  • [ The Mathworks] for [ MATLAB].
  • The [ COMSOL Group] for [ COMSOL Multiphysics].


  • Thanks to the [ jQuery Project] for their amazing [ jQuery] and [ jQuery UI] libraries, and to [ Google] for publically hosting [ both of them].
  • Jonathan Neal for the [ jQuery SWFObject] extension for jQuery, which enabled us to include Adobe Flash content within the wiki.


Contributions done to our project by non-team members:

  • [ Dr. Olivier Frey] of the [ Bio Engineering Laboratory] at [ D-BSSE], ETH Zurich, provided microfluidic and larger tubes
  • [ Marius Müller] at [ D-BSSE], ETH Zurich, provided the AlcR protein
  • [ Prof. Sven Panke] at [ D-BSSE], ETH Zurich, provided the pCK04AxylR plasmid
  • Khlebnikov et al. for providing us the strain BW27783

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