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Athenaeum, a short history.
Year 825: a rhetoric institution wanted by Lotario was already rooted in Pavia.

Year 1361, 650 years ago: a Studium Generale was founded thanks to Charles IV. Later on it was promoted to University.

XVI century: due to the 1525 siege its activity was heavily crippled. Further on, the Spaniards occupation lead it to stagnation.

XVIII century: the athenaeum was reborn thanks to Habsburg rulers Mary Theresa of Austria and Joseph II. They also restored the central palace shaping it as you can see it nowadays.

Pavia University can boast many famous alumni and professors like: Girolamo Cardano, Alessandro Volta and Luigi Cavalli Sforza along with Nobel Prize recipients such as Camillo Golgi, Carlo Rubbia and Giulio Natta.
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