Team:Paris Liliane Bettencourt/Notebook/2011/07/31/


Team IGEM Paris 2011


Results of double transformation

Witness - : no growing
Witness + (200uL) : no growing

pSG20/pDAG464 (200uL and 800uL) : 4 colonies
pFX234/pDAG479 (200uL and 800uL) : 2 colonies

Cultur relaunched overday to test plasmids from Dave Lane and glycerol.


Since Danyel launched a PCR yesterday, I took two of his four PCR products with Dpn1 that cut the DNA strands that is methylated. As the PCR was a quick change mutagenesis the only strand that is methylated is the one without the mutation. Then the only plasmid left in the tube are the plasmid that were synthetised during the Quick change mutagenesis PCR. I then desactivated Dpn1 and transformed the plasmid with the mutation in coli.