

Revision as of 08:35, 28 September 2011 by HelenZ (Talk | contribs)




Dr. Michael Ellison

Department of Biochemistry

At the beginning of his career, Mike Ellison's interests were primarily centered on the structure and function of complex biomolecules. More recently his interests have tended towards the possibility of constructing synthetic biological devices that perform useful functions. As Synthetic Biology theme leader of the Bioconversions network, his current efforts are directed toward the creation of microbial systems with the capacity to produce high value chemical feedstocks from provincially available sources of biomass. He continues to be a strong advocate for innovative science. He has served on the boards of Genome Prairie, the Alberta Network for Proteomic Innovation and has played a major role in bringing new technologies to the university through two multi-million dollar investments from the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

Dr. Douglas Ridgway

Department of Biochemistry

After a background in physics, Dr. Ridgway worked in computational modeling in both industry and academia, and is currently a researcher in Biochemistry at the University of Alberta. 2011 marks his fifth year advising U of A iGEM teams.


Dr. Frank Nargang

Department of Biological Sciences

Dr. David Stuart

Department of Biochemistry

Jeremy Widemen

Department of Biological Sciences

XiaoDong Liu

Department of Biochemistry


Kaylee Bohaychuk

Kaylee Bohaychuk is a computing science student at the University of Alberta with plans to pursue veterinary studies in the near future. She has kindly donated her time to help Team Alberta in its wiki website building throughout the summer.

Stephen Jahns

Steve Jahns is an iGEM team veteran as this marks his third year in helping with Team Alberta's efforts. After spending time in the science and engineering departments at the University of Alberta, Steve is currently pursuing a degree in computing science. This year, he was an invaluable help in aiding our team with wiki design and coding and he has most definitely earned the beer (or three) that he was promised when he agreed to help our team again this year.

Skye Oleson-Cormack

Skye, who is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Design degree at the University of Alberta, lent her artistic talents to Team Alberta throughout the summer. She kindly donated her time to create several images and diagrams for our team, which allowed us to more easily communicate our project to a wider audience.

Alex Siu

Alex Siu is a student of the University of Alberta School of Business. Previously, he earned a B. Sc. Specialization in Pharmacology from the same school. He has aided our team in completing the Cost Analysis Report, which was incorporated into the Human Practices portion of our project.