Team:UNICAMP-EMSE Brazil/Notebook/23 August 2011
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23 August 2011
Purification of digested HlyA and RBS+HlyD - secretion system
Objective: Electrophoresis for the purification of digested HlyA and RBS+HlyD.
- Ladder: Bio-Rad 100bp – 10.000bp
- Agarose concentration: 1%
- Samples:
- Ladder / HlyD digested (three joint wells) / HlyD non-digested / HlyA digested (three joint wells) / HlyA non-digested
- Results:
Gene | Total size (gene+vector) | Linear vector size | Gene size | Result |
HlyA | 3027 pb | 2800 pb | 227 pb | Size OK & complete digestion |
RBS+HlyD | 4296 pb | 2800 pb | 1496 pb | Size OK & complete digestion |
-All the genes were purified using Fermentas kit.
The plasmids were transformed using the Chemically Competent E. coli and the protocol of Chemo-transformation.
- Three plates for each Construct were made, using different volumes of the plasmid solution:
- 100 uL, 200 uL and the remaining volume after centrifugation and concentration of bacteria for the plasmid containing:
- RBS+QseB+QseC+Terminator
- RBS+TolC+Terminator
- RBS+SoxR+Terminator
New digestion for our synthetic promoters and Electrophoresis in a more concentrated gel
Objective: Check for problems with our synthesized promoters
- Agarose concentration: 1.5% stained with ethidium bromide
- Samples:
- L = 1Kb Plus DNA Ladder (Invitrogen)
- 1 = vector containing the SoxS promoter digested with EcoRI
- 2 = vector containing the SoxS promoter digested with PstI
- 3 = vector containing the SoxS promoter digested with EcoRI and PstI
- Explanation of results:
- Both photos are from the same gel, but the right one is in grey scale. The single digestions (conducted with only one enzyme - lanes 1 and 2) showed that we have both restriction sites in the vector, which is actually present in our synthesized insert because the vector does not have any restriction site. So, there is no mutations here. Lane three shows our released promoter (black arrow), although it is not easy to see.
- So, our promoters are probably correctly inserted in the vectors, with the problem being that they are too short to be visualized after staining with ethidium bromide. Since we do not need to take them off the vector to work with them (we can put our larger fragments in the vector with the promoters), as soon as we have the gene(s)+terminator constructions done we can start putting them in the linearized vectors.