

Revision as of 19:33, 8 August 2011 by Kbarclay (Talk | contribs)




Kristin Barclay

Concentration: Physics and Astrophysics

Year: 2014

Team Affiliation: Bioinformatics, Web Design

Other Hobbies: Stargazing, ASOIAF, Battlestar Galactica

Favourite YouTube Video: The Humans Are Dead

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: Strike a heroic pose while staring dreamily into the distance.


Justin Chew

Concentration: Neurobiology

Year: 2011

Team Affiliation: Bioinformatics, ZF

Other Hobbies:

Favourite YouTube Video: Bad Project

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: Sacrifice a gel.


Sarah Fouzia Choudhury

Concentration: Biomedical Engineering

Year: 2012

Team Affiliation: Wet Lab, TolC

Other Hobbies: Languages, reading

Favourite YouTube Video: Geek Love Song

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: Tell it to go faster.


Will Clerx

Concentration: Molecular & Cellular/Organismic & Evolutionary Biology

Year: 2014

Team Affiliation: Wet Lab, Web Design

Other Hobbies: Cross country, track, musics, playing with zinc fingers

Favourite YouTube Video: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Parody

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: Do another PCR. Or, write an iGEM song.


Naomi Genuth

Concentration: Molecular & Cellular/Organismic & Evolutionary Biology

Year: 2014

Team Affiliation: Wet Lab, Wolfe

Other Hobbies: Reading, running, hiking, piano

Favourite YouTube Video: America's Funniest Home Videos - Funny Cats

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: Set up another reaction. Or two. Or three.


Brandon Gerberich

Concentration: Chemistry

Year: 2014

Team Affiliation: Bioinformatics, Wolfe

Other Hobbies: Trumpet, Board Games, Wind Surfing

Favourite YouTube Video: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: 1) Just use the 6th dimension for instant PCR results, or 2) Remain in the 3rd dimension and build ice snowmen.


Mark Kopelman

Concentration: Human Evolutionary Biology

Year: 2012

Team Affiliation: Wet Lab, ToIC, Web Design

Other Hobbies: Winning

Favourite YouTube Video: Friday

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: ...Run another PCR, duh.


Matt Lunati

Concentration: Neurobiology

Year: 2012

Team Affiliation: Wet Lab, ToIC

Other Hobbies: Sports, the internet

Favourite YouTube Video: How to Make 3d Glasses

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: Listen to music on YouTube


Nida Naushad

Concentration: Neurobiology

Year: 2014

Team Affiliation: Bioinformatics, ZF

Other Hobbies: Photography, knitting

Favourite YouTube Video: How To Turn a Sphere Inside Out

Way to Pass Time While Waiting for PCR: Contemplate the possibility of sentient bacteria in all possible worlds.


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

