Team:Wageningen UR/Notebook/Proj2/May


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May - Fungal Track 'n Trace

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May 2
SOB medium, liquid and agar, was prepared today and autoclaved

May 3
SOB agar was melted in a microwave and 12 plates were poured. To one plate kanamycin was added (final concentration 50 µg/ml). 1 litre minimal medium salts for ''Aspergillus'' medium were made at a 10x concentration. 2 liter complete medium was made and glucose was added to a final concentration of 50 mM. 15 grams of agar was added to one litre complete medium. All the comlete media were autoclaved. CCMB80 buffer was prepared, during pH adjustions the value increases to 7.6 and a slight yellow colour is formed. No precipitation is visible. A DH5α strain containing a pAL85 plasmid (kanamycin resistance and pyrG complementation gene) was inoculated on the kanamycin plate. Top10 cells were plated on a regular SOB plate.

May 4
During the night the yellow colour of the CCMB80 buffer has precipitated and a dark brown cake has formed. The buffer is discarded and a new CCMB80 buffer is prepared. For the pH correction a lower molar concentration of KOH was used, so the pH did not increase past the critical point. Complete medium agar was melted in the microwave. To 500 ml of liquidized CM agar, glucose was added using a 0.2 µm filter. Also 1 ml of vitamiin solution was added over a 0.2 µm filter, from this complemented medium 7 big plates were poured. Additionally, some plates were prepared with sorbitol in stead of glucose.

May 17
We are making protoplasts. Thanks to Mark and a PhD student we now have two growth chambers for the fungal cells. In these growth chambers you have to grow the cells in liquid, which might be a problem. If all cells are just floating around, it will be hard to follow a signal through the hyphae.