Team:Hong Kong-CUHK/Human practice/radio


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Radio Programmes

We have broadcast an education program on Synthetic Biology via a local radio channel. Chinese University Campus Radio (CUCR) is a public online radio ( that targets young people in Hong Kong.


In the first program, we mainly introduced Synthetic Biology, iGEM competition and our project content. We also shared some interesting experience in laboratory and members’ aspiration.

To listen to our iGEM radio program, please click: HERE

Our team members also took part in another radio program organized by CUCR to discuss about the Life Sciences program in CUHK. They also discussed about the iGEM competition and introduced Synthetic Biology and biosafety to the general public.

To listen to our iGEM radio program, please click: HERE.

"Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things." - Theodore Levitt

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