Team:UPO-Sevilla/Foundational Advances/Biobrick Creator/Overview


Revision as of 09:26, 28 October 2011 by Lepavgom (Talk | contribs)

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BioBrick Creator

This new tool is designed to help and make accessible to everyone the process of creating and designing BioBricks. This program has three main modules:

Main features and built-in options:

The application was totally developed using JAVA, which is currently the most popular language worldwide. This choice was due to the language's versatility concerning different operative systems.

All features in the application include help buttons to guide users through all the modules. All the resulting sequences have been optimized to provide the user with a useful experience.

Module I Creating a new BioBrick:

  • Text (.txt) files reading (no sequence text must be deleted from the file).

  • Fasta files reading (in case of multifasta files the first sequence is chosen by default).

  • Built-in whole sequence codon optimisation option for the main model organisms in synthetic biology.

  • All the results can be saved in a text (.txt) file with all the required information for being added to the parts registry.

  • Resulting sequence can also be saved in a fasta file.

Module II Assembly parts:

  • Full integration with fasta and text files from Module I.

  • Possibility of uploading more BioBricks created with the program.

Module III Plasmid Backbone:

  • Full integration with fasta and text files from Modules I and II.

  • Possibility of choosing between all well characterised (part assembly, system operation and DNA synthesis) plasmids available at the iGEM database.

Future updates:

  • Conversion of the whole system to a web-based application.

  • Integration with the iGEM database to help the user experience.

  • Design improvement.

System Requirements:

Java Version 6 Update 27