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   According to the reconstruction of TOR (Target of Rapamycin) pathway, our project is aimed at increase the tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. E. coli (Top 10), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (BY4742), and vectors based on them are frequently used throughout our experiments. Since we are intended to regulate the major signaling transduction network, expressions of hundreds of genes and a certain number of pathways will be affected, which may give rise to anxieties of safety regarding researcher and environment. Thus a whole set of experiment guidelines and safety rules are followed in every aspect of our project to minimize every possible threaten. Inside the lab, protective clothing, gloves and masks are required while performing experiments with latent danger such as gel cutting under UV, using toxic and volatile reagents such as phenol and chloroform in special areas. All researchers are required to clean up their working area and put back the experimental equipments. Furthermore, protocols for preservation and operation of common E. coli and yeast strains as well as the vectors are strictly adhered to, and make sure no pollutants are left unattended or take away from the lab, to prevent any toxicant or gene form spreading to the public or contaminating the environment.

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