

Revision as of 22:53, 27 September 2011 by Sdugan (Talk | contribs)

      BBQ- Team Nevada 2011's first major fund raising event on campus was a BBQ. It allowed team members a chance to get to know one another and raised awareness of our club (iGEM) on campus. This was the first time many students heard about our team and raised much needed funds to get our project started.

iGEM Car Wash
A car wash fundraiser was organized by Sam Dugan and involved six other members of the team. The car wash lasted roughly four hours and we made about $350 during that time. We washed everything from a Posche to a RV camper which was an experience to say the least. We had a lot of fun splashing around and yelling at cars driving by. Most of us got sunburned but we helped our team raise more money for research and had fun doing it so it ended up being a successful day.

      Concert- Team Nevada put on their first ever iGEM concert on campus. It was a successful concert in which we introduced students to research all while having a fun night out. Performers were from various clubs on campus which included step, dance, singing performances and bands. In addition to the show there was face painting, food, and future team member recruitment. This event concluded fund raising efforts for the year and was such a huge hit with students on campus that we were asked to have a 2nd annual concert.