WEEK 9: AUGUST 1 to 6
August 1
Fist Wet lab visit of the UTP Panama iGEM Team.
Work Session #27
Advisor at INDICASAT: Ricardo Correa
In this day the students know all the Lab instalation, and some of the basics instruments and rules of the lab.
Work Session #27 (afternoon)
Project Design and Modeling
All the team discuss the final Biobrick of our team. In this sense we select to modify and improve the Bristol 2010 Project, the Gatech 2010 Project and the UNAM-Cinvestav 2010 project.
We establish the Human Practice project activities schedule.
August 2
Work Session #28 (morning)
Preliminar Project Design of our Project with the help of our Instructor Grimaldo E. Ureña and and our advisors Zeus Capitan and Ricardo Correa, based on the selected Biobricks of the August 1 meetings and conversatory.
The Wet Lab advisors establish a schedule of activities to accomplish for the students. The students organizated all the supplies and reagents to the projects first stages.
August 3
Place: INDICASAT (Morning)
Preparation of Buffers, organize supplies and reagents.
Advisors: Ricardo, Grimaldo Elías y Lucía.
Work Session #30 (afternoon)
General Meeting, about the porject
August 4
Place: INDICASAT (morning)
Work Session 31