Team:TU Munich/extra/extraoverview


Revision as of 19:00, 21 September 2011 by FabianFroehlich (Talk | contribs)



They sent us a copy of their cph8 part. It served us as negative control in the assays for our red light sensor. In return, we sent them a paper about the EnvZ/OmpR pathway involved in our redlight sensor.


We had a very encouraging Skype conference with the Freiburg team. We talked about our lab progress and experience with bacterial light sensors. The main topic were the problems regarding ligation of Biobricks.

Wagening UR

We tested their cloning software. Unfortunatly it didn't work for us :(


They sent us a copy of their part BBa_K322127.

iGEM Lighters

We are part of the iGEM Lighters group on Facebook where we share our experience regarding everything that has to do with light and bacteria.


We thank LMU team, the other iGEM team from Munich, for their outstanding moral support.


We thank all teams on twitter for the excellent moral support in the last few days before the wiki freeze.

Social Media:

Open Search Plugin

We created an Open Search Plugin for the parts registry that enables you to search for parts more quickly.

