Team:Paris Bettencourt/Designs/List


Revision as of 15:58, 19 September 2011 by BaptisteCouly (Talk | contribs)

Team IGEM Paris 2011

Design List

YFP concentration This design relies on a TetO-array which allow us to concentrate YFP-TetR fusion proteins.
T7 RNA polymerase diffusion In this design, we introduce the use of the T7 polymerase both as the transfer molecule and as the auto-amplification system.
tRNA amber diffusion The tRNA amber is the smallest molecule we are trying to get pass the nanotubes.
ComS diffusion We took advantage of a switch already existing in B.Subtilis (the ComK/ComS switch) and tried to see if we could toggle it from one state to the other using molecules diffusing through the nanotubes.