Regions/Europe/Jamboree/During Jamboree


Revision as of 13:15, 19 September 2011 by Ebrinkman (Talk | contribs)

During the Jamboree

Questions and Information

If you have a question or need help at any point during the Jamboree,you can contact the registration desk near the entrance of the Main Building, or look for one of the iGEM staff members on site. They wear blue polo shirts. If you need to get in touch with someone of the local organization for an urgent matter, you may contact the following people:

  • Douwe Molenaar +31 20 59 86993 (local coordinator Amsterdam)
  • Aljoscha Wahl +31 15 27 83193
  • Oscar Kuipers +31 50 36 32093 (head of judge team)

Jamboree Schedule

We have prepared a program for the poster and presentation sessions.

On-site Registration/Check-in

Teams can check-in on Friday afternoon September 30th for the Jamboree beginning at 16:00 h. The registration desk is located near the entrance in the main building, to your right if you enter the building. At the registration desk you will pick up your team box. One team member is responsible for picking up the team box, and not all team members have to register individually. To receive your team box, bring a filled-out release form for each team member that is registered for the Jamboree.
Guests can check-in on Friday September 30th starting at 16:00 h or on Saturday October 1st starting at 8:00 h, at the registration desk.

Team Boxes

Your team box will contain the following:

  • Team member badges
  • A booklet for each team member containing Jamboree Handbook, program schedule, map of the VU campus, information about public transport in Amsterdam and sponsor information
  • Lunch Tickets
  • Free drinks Tickets

Note: One team member is responsible for picking up the team box and distribute the badges, tickets and the program books. Please wear your badges at all times.


You will receive a name badge as part of your team box. Please wear your badge at all times during the Jamboree. In this way you make yourself known to other participants, and badges are necessary to enter presentation rooms, as well as for access to food and the iGEM diner and party.

Team spirit

At the Jamboree you will be representing your team, university and country, so why not show off! Designing team t-shirts is always a good idea. Make sure to distinguish your team and be well visible in the iGEM group picture. Wear your team's logo, or give a nod to your team's sponsors. We also encourage you to find new ways to showcase your team spirit.

Message boards

Trying to find someone at the Jamboree? Want to leave some words of praise for your fellow iGEMers? There will be message boards available at the entrance of the large plenary lecture hall (Aula), so that you can leave a note for a team or one of their members. Check the message boards regularly. There may be a funny, interesting, or important message waiting for you!

Meeting of Minds

In the night before the team presentations (September 30th), the Rathenau Instituut and the European iGEM organization invites you and political youth organizations for the Meeting of Young Minds. According to a Eurobarometer survey in 2011, only 17% of the European citizens have heard of Synthetic Biology. Thus, time to convince especially future political leaders on the progress and possibilities of SynBio. Join the debate at the VU, beginning at 19.30 h, and get to know your fellow iGEM members opinion and political considerations. There will also be food and drinks provided on a first come, first serve basis. Please see the Meeting of Minds chapter for information about the statements that will be discussed.

Practice presentation

During the Meeting of Minds session at Friday night (September 30th), the teams are welcome to practice their presentations. There are a limited number of room’s available, sign up online on the practice sessions page to reserve your time-slot. Practice sessions will run from 18.00 to 20.00 h.We cannot match the practice room with the room that you will give your presentation in on Saturday.

Note: There will be no technical assistance. Please leave all presentation rooms in the condition that you found them.

Opening Ceremony

The Saturday Opening Ceremony will officially kick off the Regional Jamboree Europe! The opening ceremony will be held at the Aula at 8.45 h on October 1st. Get ready with a cup of coffee or tea – available from 8.00h. Make sure to attend the opening to have all updates or changes to the Jamboree schedule and the events planned for the coming days.

VU campus

All iGEM Jamboree activities take place in the main building at the VU Campus (Address: De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam), except the diner and party on Saturday which will take place in The Basket, behind the main building.


Food will be provided throughout the Jamboree. Friday night dinner is provided in the mensa of the main building. For those of you who will practice on Friday and visit the Meeting of Young Minds event, there will be diner tickets at te registration desk, to be used in the University restaurant. Lunch will be served in the poster session areas. Specially requested meals: vegan, and gluten-free, will be available according to the requests during registration.


Each team is required to present a poster at the Jamboree. The posters will be placed around the Aula and should be visible during the whole Jamboree. Each team may only put up ONE poster. The poster position is announced in the team box.
The poster should be attached to the poster board (1.2 m width by 0.9 m height). Material for attaching the poster is provided at the poster board. Please only use this material and do not use tape. Teams can setup their posters Saturday morning between 8.00 – 8.45 h. The poster receptions will be held on Saturday from 16.00 – 19.00 h. The judges will visit your poster, be sure to have a team member available for answering their questions.
Please make sure to take your poster with you latest Sunday after lunch. Posters will not be saved after that!


There are a total of 5 presentation rooms located across the campus (capacity for 200 persons). Your team’s scheduled presentation time, slot, session, and room have all been randomly assigned within your track.
In each room, the presentations will be divided into sessions with each session comprised of three separate presentations. Each of the three presentations given during a session will be of the same ‘track’. If you are attending the presentations, please stay for the whole session and only leave the room during the scheduled breaks. Each team has 20 minutes of presentation time, 5 minutes for questions and answers, and 5 minute to switch with the next presenters. Please be present 15 minutes before your session to save the presentation and poster (a crew member will welcome you). You can also test your equipment, video and sound connection. Make sure to bring the necessary equipment for your presentation yourself, such as your laptop, cables/adaptors, and power supply.

Important: Be present 15 minutes prior to the start of the session and NOT prior to your presentation time!

We need your Poster and Presentation

In an effort to capture all of the hard work that teams have put into their iGEM projects, we ask that each team give us a copy of your presentation and a copy of your poster in pdf format.
To submit your files follow the instructions below:

  • Save your presentation and poster as a high resolution pdf file.
  • Fifteen minutes before the start of each session, there will be an iGEM crew member at the front of each presentation room.
  • Bring your laptop with the files on it to the front and the iGEM staff member will transfer your presentation and poster to a USB key that they will have with them.

Note: The presentations and posters will only be uploaded online after the World Championship Jamboree at November 5-7.


The European Eduroam network is available in the building. You can login with your home university credentials. If you do not have credentials, you need to pick up a personalized code at the registration desk.

Social Event

On Saturday night after the poster reception, we will be hosting the iGEM 2011 Regional Jamboree Social Event at The Basket from 20:30 – 01.00 h. There will be dancing and lounge space. Each person will receive two drink tickets at the door for soft drinks/soda. Relax, have fun and get to know your European and African iGEM fellows!

Note: You must have your iGEM name badge in order to gain access to the social event.

Awards Ceremony

The awards ceremony will be held on Sunday at Aula and will start at 9.30 h. The judges will first announce three regional finalists who will then be asked to give their presentations to all judges and teams. All teams should be prepared to present at the Aula, so be sure to bring the necessary materials with you. The judges will withdraw to nominate the European region winner.
While the judges discuss, the iGEM Europe from above picture will be taken in the Aula.
The judges will then announce the medals, special price winners, qualification to the iGEM World Championships and the European winner.

iGEM Europe from above

The picture will be taken in the Aula. Make sure to wear your iGEM team clothing.


This year iGEM is designating achievements for documentation of your project and contributions to the synthetic biology community. These achievements are signified by a bronze, silver, or gold medal seal, which each team member can adhere to their participatory certificate. These designations will be based on their performance in the online judging round (online judging occurs in the week directly before the Jamboree). Look here for the criteria.
One team member can pick up their team medals (one for each member on the official roster) on Sunday afternoon after the awards ceremony in the Aula.

Special Awards

The regions have following prizes

  • Best Human Practices Advance (apply via your judging form)
  • Best BioBrick Measurement Approach (apply via your judging form)
  • Best Model (apply via your judging form)
  • Best New BioBrick Part, Natural
  • Best New BioBrick Device, Engineered
  • Best Software Tool
  • Best New Standard
  • Best Wiki
  • Best Poster, Regional Level
  • Best Presentation

Awards will be presented at the awards ceremony on Sunday (October 2nd). Each team that wins an award will receive one trophy for the team as well as award certificates for each team member. These award certificates are separate from the participation certificates that all iGEM teams receive from their team box. Certificate will be distributed in the foyer after the awards ceremony finishes.


If you need to check out of your hotel on Sunday morning and need to stow your luggage somewhere, you can bring it to the registration desk. We will lock away your luggage, but cannot be held liable in case of loss or damage! The registration desk closes Sunday afternoon 15:00 h, so it is absolutely critical that your luggage be picked up by that time.


The cities of Amsterdam have a public transportation system that is comprised of trams and subways. Information is provided here for getting around in Amsterdam.

Emergency Situation

If there is an emergency (medical emergency, fire, police, etc.) please contact VU campus emergencies numbers:

  • From a campus phone: 22222
  • From a cell phone, pay phone, or off-campus:112

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