

Revision as of 17:42, 17 September 2011 by Lluisgim (Talk | contribs)

We have:

  1. Developed a ready-to-use low-cost disinfection system, which can be done in your own garage.
  2. Valencia iGEM Team 2011 has tamed Colicin G and H and Microcin parts and standardized them in BrioBricks.
  3. We have been tested and proven under what conditions the culture of Synechocystis PCC. 6803 is more feasible and has a higher concentration with low-cost material.
  4. We have maintained a culture of Synechocystis PCC. 6803 under laboratory conditions.
  5. We tested the pH variations on the environment caused by the exchange of protons in the Synechocystis PCC. 6803