Attributions & contributions
- Colicin G and H Escherichia coli strains were obtained from UK's Health Protection Agency strain collection.
- Microcin Escherichia coli strain was obtained from Severinov Laboratory at Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers State University.
- For a detailed description of Valencia 2011 iGEM Team work and attribution, please visit our project and the Achievements area.
- Universitat Politécnica de València
- Universitat de València
- Universidad Católica de Valencia, San Vicente Mártir
- Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada, IUMPA
- Cátedra Energesis de Tecnología Interdisciplinar.
- Prof. Paula Tamagnini, from IBMC, Portugal, who was very kind to provide us Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 strains and guidance on pH measurements
- Prof. Phillip Wright, from Sheffield University, England, who provided us with chemostat pH measurements.
- Eurener, for their kind donation of the solar module.
- Prof. Anthony P. Pugsley from Pasteur Institute and Dr. Annina Zihler from ETH for their guidance on colicin use and selection.
- Prof. Konstantin Severinov and Dr. Ekaterina Semenova from Rutgers University for their guidance on microcin use and selection.
- Jose Marcial Gonzálvez, from Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Nuclear, UPV, for his guidance on membrane technology and usage.
- Jose Damián Fos who was very helpful on the construction of the electronical setup of the device.
- Alumetal System 2003 for their contribution on the construction of the mechanical tuning of the pump.
- Hospital La Salud for their kind donation of a peristaltic pump.