Team:Imperial College London/Protocols Plant


Revision as of 18:12, 16 September 2011 by RebekkaBauer (Talk | contribs)


This page lists all the protocols used in our project. We have classified them into five main categories as follow.



Vernalise seeds (this has to be done 2 to 3 days before seeding!)
- Weigh in appr. 50mg of arabidopsis seeds in eppendorf tube (one tube per 250 ml erlenmayer flask)
- Wash with 500 µl 70% EtOH for appr. 4-5 minutes per tube (mix well)
- Remove 70% EtOH and replace with 500µl 50% bleach
- Incubate for 20 minutes
- Wash several times with sterile ddH2O to remove bleach x3
- Vernalize seeds for 2-3 days

Some notes
- Growth conditions : flasks on a shaker at appr. 200 rpm at constant light conditions
- Grow seedlings for 5-6 days


Overview : synthetic auxin is used to see the effect of Arabidopsis's root growth. Variation in auxin concentrations is applied to see the sensitivity of auxin in arabidopsis.

- To test auxin sensitivity, Arabidopsis seeds were sown onto medium as given above and supplemented with 0, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.01, 1, 100, 10000uM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA).
- Medium preparation and seed sowing occurred under 0.5 pE m-2 sec-l incandescent light to minimize photooxidation of IAA.
- Growing is done at 23°C in darkness for three days
- After 3 days, hypocotyl and root lengths were measured on 10 plantslreplication. Data were normalized to lengths as a percentage of the control treatment and subjected to analysis of variance.
-Plants were transferred to light for a further six days

Some notes
- Concentrations of IAA causing 50% inhibition of root and hypocotyl growth (Isow) ere calculated for each replication by solving regression equations with y = y intercept + 2.


- Half strength Murashige salt (2.1g per liter ddH2O)
- Add 0.546g MES salt (buffer) per liter of media
- Adjust pH to 5.7-5.8 using 2M KOH
- add 10g sucrose (normally from 1% solution)
- Add 1% agarose = 10g/litre if making phytogel
- Distribute into erlenmayer flasks (125 ml/250ml flask)
- Autoclave for at least 15 minutes