Team:Paris Bettencourt/Experiments/YFP TetR diffusion


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Team IGEM Paris 2011

Experiments of the YFP concentration design

The planning of the experiments is the following : first we have tested the strains from D. Lane containing YFP:tetR and tetO array. Then we constructed/biobricked the YFP:tetR and tetO array system. To finish with the microscopy step and results of this proof of concept between B. subtilis and B. subtilis / E. coli.

Testing the YFP:tetR strains from D. Lane

In the article [1], E. coli strains are growing at 20°C to avoid protein agregation but the problem is that nanotube between B. subtilis has been only proved to exist at 37°C. We test different possibilities : at 37°C or 30°C and concentration of arabinose (0% - 0,1% -0,2%) to deal with protein agregation.

tetR:YFP / tetO array : 37°C
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with no arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with no arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with 0,2% arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with 0,2% arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.
tetR:YFP / tetO array : 30°C
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with no arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with no arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with 0,2% arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.
tetR:YFP / tetO array inducted with 0,2% arabinose on E. Coli from Dave Lane plasmids.

With the combinaison of YFP:tetR and TetO array plasmids, we can see few loci of fluorescence with 0,2% arabinose and because there are in the cell extremity we can suppose that it is concentrated fluorescence in tetO array. Nevertheless the protein agregation is very effective when there is only YFP:tetR at 30°C and 37°C inE. coli.

More pictures and information on the notebook [2].

Biobricked system construction

YFP:tetR construction

Fig1: Cloning plan of YFP:tetR construction

TetO array construction

Fig2: Cloning plan of TetO array construction

Results and microscopy of the proof of concept