Team:Paris Bettencourt/Experiments/YFP TetR diffusion
Experiments of the YFP concentration design
The planning of the experiments is the following : first we have tested the strains from D. Lane containing YFP:tetR and tetO array. Then we constructed/biobricked the YFP:tetR and tetO array system. To finish with the microscopy step and results of this proof of concept between B. subtilis and B. subtilis / E. coli.
Testing the YFP:tetR strains from D. Lane
In the article [1], E. coli strains are growing at 20°C to avoid protein agregation but the problem is that nanotube between B. subtilis has been only proved to exist at 37°C. We test different possibilities : at 37°C or 30°C and concentration of arabinose (0% - 0,1% -0,2%) to deal with protein agregation.More pictures and information on the notebook [2].
Biobricked system construction
YFP:tetR construction
Fig1: Cloning plan of YFP:tetR construction
TetO array construction
Fig2: Cloning plan of TetO array construction