Team:Paris Bettencourt/HumanPractice/collaborationMap
Collaboration Map
Na tube are random relashionship between cell, possibly from differents type/species. Those relationship could have a long or short duration... That's remember us something : Relationship between persons ! and more specificaly, here, between teams.Indeed, team of possibliy different country/region, can exchange imformations and knoledges by collaborating. Collaboration between team can be a long collaboration (like Paris Bettencourt and Pekin), or shorter. So we decide to scan either the wikis, looking for collaboration from 2007 to today between teams (very well hided for some). We also list number of prize and medals for each team, and group team by Region (like 2011), but also by country. We next create a collaboration graphe with Touchgraph. We developped a graphe navigator for static représentation of those graphes in flash, witch can be tested bellow.
In this Navigator :
- Teams are colored by medal
- Stars represent the number of prizes won
- Star in a silver circle is for finalist
- Star in a orange circle is for winner of regional jamboree
You can found here the database used : Data file and project file