Big thanks to all of the supervisors for watching over us and guiding us through the project. Thanks also to David Simmons, Georgia Kafer and their lab for hosting us.
We would like to thank the following people for their contributions during our project:
[ Dr. Susan Rowland] from [ School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences], [ The University of Queensland], for sharing her bacterial expertise with us and guiding us with the project. We are also indebted to her for providing us with plasmid vectors pET16.1 and pBAD containing lacI and araC.
[ Dr. Melissa Davis] from [ Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics], [ Institute for Molecular Biosciences], [ The University of Queensland] for guiding us through the modeling of the system.
Prof. Alex Ninfa from [ University of Michigan], for his expert knowledge on oscillatory system and his bacterial strain 3.300L*G. We also thank him for advising us on how to integrate genes into the bacterial chromosome.
[ Tom Kuhlman] from the Cox Lab at Princeton University for sharing his knowledge of bacterial chromosome integration and sending us the plasmids pTKRED, pTKIP and pTKS/CS.
Staff and students of [ PHYS3051/PHYS7250 Fields in Physics] and [ PHYS3900/PHYS7900 Perspectives in Physics Research] by the [ School of Mathematics and Physics] at [ The University of Queensland] for their support and encouragement with the microscopy and synchronisation modelling reviews.
[ James Bennett] from [ Faculty of Science] at [ The University of Queensland] for his illuminating contribution to the microscopy modelling, which was also for [ PHYS3900/PHYS7900 Perspectives in Physics Research].
[ Dr. Tim Kastelle] from [ UQ Business School] and Dr. Sampsung Shi and Prof. Anne Fitzgerald and her lab from [ Faculty of Law] from [ Queensland University of Technology] for their advice with the sharing review.