Team:Tokyo Metropolitan


Revision as of 10:28, 29 September 2011 by Watachin (Talk | contribs)


Team Tokyo_Metropolitan 2011 make E.coli that moves in high speed to the target and kill it. We have been trying to put three different facility such as "speed up", "targeting", and "killing" by enhancing the flagellar movement, taking control of flagellar rotation, and sending killer gene to the target.

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Abstract : BeE.coli
We propose the project "BeE.coli" as a micro injection system.BeE.coli has the abilities to move fast and target pathogens concentrated area.Getting close to pathogens, it sends the killer gene to them with conjugation. Then pathogens will be killed.

To accomplish this project, we planned to add three functions to E.coli.First, expression of the mutant H-NS proteins enables E.coli to move faster. This contributes to increasing the frequency of conjugation.
Second function is new taxis for AHL. We make the target bacteria as a model of pathogens, and they produce AHL. BeE.coli goes for the area where high concentrations of AHL that means concentration of target bacteria.
Last, BeE.coli kills pathogens by sending the killer gene with the conjugative plasmid. BeE.coli has the anti killer gene repressing the killer gene.

Taxis for AHL!
BeE.coli can go to area where target bacteria is concentrated.
⇒Device detail coming soon...
Got high speed move!
BeE.coli have mutant HNS protein(T108I).
⇒Device detail coming soon...
Sting pathogens!
BeE.coli send holin gene to target bacteria with conjugation.
⇒Device detail coming soon...