Team:UNICAMP-EMSE Brazil/Human Practices/CAEB


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Human Practices 2: CAEB presentation

Biennially, Unicamp´s biology students organize a conference called CAEB ("Congresso Aberto aos Estudantes de Biologia"), which gathers biology students from all over Brazil. This year about 1,000 undergraduate students participated in the conference, which happened from July 25th to July 29th, 2011 at UNICAMP, Campinas-São Paulo, Brazil.

We decided to use this opportunity to make a lecture to divulge our IGEM team´s project to the students, and share what we´ve been learning about synthetic biology with them. Most of them had never heard about synthetic biology or iGEM before. It was a really good experience to us, since the students enjoyed our presentation. We hope some of them subscribe an iGEM team to next year´s jamboree in order to make Brazilian´s participation higher in the competition.

We used questionaries to collect information about the public audience and to determine their degree of familiarity with Genetic Engineering and Synthetic Biology. Additionally, we aimed to receive a feedback about the idea of our project and future perspectives.

Click here to see the results of our survey.


Survey results

The audience public answered a short questionnarie for the purpose of gathering information about their profile, interests and knowledge. 20 people accepted to answer the surveys. The questions and results are the following:


 These two graphics can inform us about the profile of the public who attended the lecture we gave in CAEB. We can see that most of them are Undergraduate students of Biological Sciences programs, and also some graduate students participated. The great majority of the interviwed have at least heard about Synthetic Biology, with a expressive percentage of people who declared that know Very Good, Good or regular about the theme. This is very interesting, since we can compare with the data obtained when high-school studens answered that they have no knoledge about this field. This may indicate to us that the Universities are starting to teach Synthetic Biology to their students, but this is not occuring in the schools, which we think is very important. Disseminate Genetic Engineering and Synthetic Biology to school students is similar to sowing some tree seeds. Some years later, the concrete results will appear: scientists, studing genetic engineering and certainly they will continue the cycle: encouraging new students to follow this way.