

Revision as of 03:16, 23 September 2011 by Saushun (Talk | contribs)

Who we are

Who did what

The teams were assembled during our winter quarter. During this term we went around to classes and had weekly meetings to introduce students to synthetic biology through a series of guest lectures. During the spring, students participated in brainstorming projects related to the sponsoring Faculty advisors labs (Baker and Klavins) and came up with the project they wanted to carry out. Students also planned and partcipated in community outreach events where we taught our community about synthetic biology. Over the summer, students completed all of the experimental work, but worked closely with both graduate students and faculty advisors to plan the most pertinent experiments and make the most of our limited time.

Alkanes Production

After producing promising results, in future directions

Casey Ager, Austin Moon, and Seth Sagulo worked on Enzyme Localization via Direct Fusion and Zinc Finger Fusion methods.

Juhye An, Elaine Lai, and Benjamin Mo worked on Decarbonylase Redesign

Marika Cheng and Justin De Leon worked on Alternative Chassis

Chris Choe and David Zong worked on Alternate Aldehyde Production

Matthew Harger worked on Branched Alkanes Production

Matthew Harger and Lei Zheng worked on System Optimization

Gluten Degradation

Sydney Gordon, Daniel Hadidi, Liz Stanley, Angus Toland, Sarah Wolf, and Sean Wu designed, built, and tested Kumamolisin-As and over 100 mutants to combat gluten intolerance by increasing the activity on the PQLP antigenic peptide.

iGEM Toolkits

Michael Brasino, Rashmi Ravichandran, and Alicia Wong

Community Outreach

Cindy Wu headed and organized all iGEM 2011 Community Outreach events.