Team:UNICAMP-EMSE Brazil/protocols/Ligation


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(Created page with "{{Template:UNICAMP-EMSE Brazil_Main_Menu}} ==Ligation== Quantificate the plasmid using absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm. Concentration of plasmid (μg/mL) = A260*50*dilution ...")
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T4 DNA Ligase – 1 uL
T4 DNA Ligase – 1 uL
Vol final - 20ul
Vol final - 20ul
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/JavaScript'>
function makeQuote() {
Q = new Array();
Q[0] = "<i>I’m Luke Skywalker, I’m here to rescue you.</i>Luke, Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope (1977)"
Q[1] = "<i>Watch your mouth kid, or you’ll find yourself floating home.</i>Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope (1977)"
Q[2] = "<i>Evacuate in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.</i> Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope (1977)"
Q[3] = "<i>The Force is strong with this one.</i> Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope (1977)"
Q[4] = "<i> I have you now!</i> Darth Vader, Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope (1977)"
Q[5] = "<i> Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.</i> MsC Yoda, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)"
Q[6] = "<i> No blasters! No blasters!.</i> A bartender, Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope (1977)"
Q[7] = "<i> Go to the center of the gravity's pull, and find your planet you will...</i> M.Sc. Yoda, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)"
Q[8] = "<i> Clear, your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind the plot.</i> M.Sc. Yoda, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)"
Q[9] = "<i> Much to learn, you still have.</i> M.Sc. Yoda, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)"
Q[10] = "<i> Meditate on this, I will.</i> M.Sc. Yoda, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)"
Q[11] = "<i> Use the Force, Luke.</i> M.Sc. Yoda, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)"
Q[12] = "<i> May the Force be with you.</i> Mentioned several times throughout the Star Wars saga"
Q[13] = "<i> I really need a Jedi Bacteria.</i> Iolanda Albuquerque, UNICAMP-EMSE team advisor"
Q[14] = "<i> Another splendid day in Brazil!!!</i> Marc Emery, UNICAMP-EMSE team student"
Q[15] = "<i> Dont' cut, let your hair volume expressing all their feelings...</i> Thibault Sabattier (UNICAMP-EMSE team student) about Nemailla's hair"
Q[16] = "<i> What a good life!!</i> Louise Marais (UNICAMP-EMSE team student) about living in Brazil"
Q[17] = "<i> Gosh!I will have nigthmares tonight! </i> Danieli Gonçalves (UNICAMP-EMSE team student) about Thibault wearing Marianna's dress"
Q[18] = "<i> I will revenge myself against you and Marc Emery!!!</i> Nemailla Bonturi (UNICAMP-EMSE team advisor)"
Q[19] = "<i> Yeah, those dresses deserve us!</i> Marc Emery (UNICAMP-EMSE team student) about Marianna's dresses"
Q[20] = "<i> I am really starting getting worried with you guys!!</i> Iolanda Albuquerque (UNICAMP-EMSE team advisor)"
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * Q.length);
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Revision as of 00:28, 23 August 2011


Quantificate the plasmid using absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm. Concentration of plasmid (μg/mL) = A260*50*dilution Ratio 260/280 nm should be between 1,8-2,0.

Use this online tool to calculate how much insert to calculate how much insert we will need to use in the reaction (


[length of insert (kb)/ length of vector (kb)]* ng of vector = ng of insert for a 1:1 ratio

It´s better to use at least 100 ng of vector and a reaction ratio of 3:1 (insert:vector)


Length of insert (in kb) = 0.7 Amount of vector (in ng) = 100 Length of vector (in kb) = 5

You need 14 ng de insert for a 1:1 molar ratio For the 3:1= 42 ng de inserto.

Ligation reaction (using invitrogen ligase)

5x T4 DNA Ligase - 4uL Vetor – 42 ng Inserto – 100 ng T4 DNA Ligase – 1 uL Vol final - 20ul