Team:HokkaidoU Japan


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==Preliminary project description==
   This year, we aim to make further development of  "Dr. ''E. coli''" our project of iGEM 2010. Dr. ''E. coli'' can inject desired protein molecules into a target eukaryotic cell through a syringe like organelle named Type 3 Secretion  System (T3SS). Pathogenic gram-negative bacterium such as ''Salmonella''  has  T3SS. In nature it is used to inject virulence effector proteins into a target eukaryotic cell. Last year, we showed that T3SS works in ''E. coli'' by injecting GFP into RK13 cells.  
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        <li id="hokkaidou-index-team"><a href="">Team
            <span class="hokkaidou-description">
                The HokkaidoU_Japan is formed by 16 students and 3 instructors
        <li id="hokkaidou-index-project"><a href="">Project
            <span class="hokkaidou-description">
                We tried to further develop E. coli-based protein injection system which we started working on during iGEM 2010
        <li id="hokkaidou-index-parts"><a href="">Parts
            <span class="hokkaidou-description">
                Ready-to-inject backbone and Bsa I cloning system
        <li id="hokkaidou-index-protocol"><a href="">Protocol
            <span class="hokkaidou-description">
                General protocols, Primers and methods of infection assay
        <li id="hokkaidou-index-notebook"><a href="">Notebook
            <span class="hokkaidou-description">
                The record of our many failures and a bit of achievement
        <li id="hokkaidou-index-safety"><a href="">Safety
            <span class="hokkaidou-description">
                Addressing safety concerns
        <li id="hokkaidou-index-humanpractice"><a href="">Human Practice
            <span class="hokkaidou-description">
                Science art gallery "BIO ART"
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        <img src=";h=240" width="240" height="240" />
        <span class="hokkaidou-description">iGEM HokkaidoU_Japan Official Team Logo</span>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This year, we are going one step further. Using Dr. ''E. coli'' as a "nano  injection system", we are planning to develop a cancer terminator or carry out direct reprogramming of somatic cells; for example we aim to induce differentiation from preadipocyte to insulin-secreting cell.
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                        <h2>HokkaidoU_Japan 2011</h2>
                    <img src="">         
                    <div class="lof-main-item-desc">
                        <h2>Welcome to the BIOxART Gallery!!</h2>
                    <img src="">         
                    <div class="lof-main-item-desc">
                        <h2>Be careful not to contaminate...</h2>
                    <img src="">           
                    <div class="lof-main-item-desc">
                        <h2>Meeting, meeting and MEETING!</h2>
                    <img src="">           
                    <div class="lof-main-item-desc">
                        <h2>Dr. <i>E. coli</i> get ready for the job</h2>
                    <img src="">           
                    <div class="lof-main-item-desc">
                        <h2>BIOxART, please feel free to look around</h2>
                    <img src="">           
                    <div class="lof-main-item-desc">
                        <h2>Experiment, experiment and EXPERIMENT!</h2>
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                    <li class="" style="height: 32px; width: 80px;"><img src=""></li>
                    <li class="" style="height: 32px; width: 80px;"><img src=""></li>
                    <li class="" style="height: 32px; width: 80px;"><img src=""></li>
                    <li class="" style="height: 32px; width: 80px;"><img src=""></li>
                    <li class="" style="height: 32px; width: 80px;"><img src=""></li>
                    <li class="" style="height: 32px; width: 80px;"><img src=""></li>
    <p>We further developed "Dr. E. coli": our project of iGEM 2010. Last year, we showed that Type 3 Secretion System (T3SS) works in E. coli by injecting GFP into RK13 cells. T3SS is a syringe like organelle found in bacterium such as Salmonella which uses it to inject virulence effector proteins into a target eukaryotic cell. We think this system can be applied to direct reprogramming of somatic cells among many other things.</p>
    <p>We tested T3SS performance and tried to make it more convenient. For this purpose we designed a plasmid backbone which can instantly produce ready-to-inject fusion proteins from ordinary biobrick part. Using it, we tried to further characterize this system by injecting a library of protein domains.</p>
    <p>In Science Gallery we exhibited awesome photographs related with biotechnology in public. We tried to catch the pedestrians’ interest in current synthetic biology and explore their thoughts.</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For human practice, we are going to hold a Science Gallery. We will exhibit awesome photographs related with molecular biology in a public place and ask some questions about synthetic biology. We hope to catch the public's interest in current biotechnology and investigate the public's thoughts about synthetic biology.
    <iframe id="hokkaidou-bioart-youtube" width="680" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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==Safety proposal==
    <p>We held the new type science art gallery "Bio Art" at the center of Sapporo city.</p>
    <p>This gallery is not only for our team.You can also enjoy Bio Art on this Web page.
    You can watch more detail in <a href="">Human Practice</a> page.</p>
1. Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of:
* researcher safety,
===Laboratory and Personnel===
* public safety, or
* Environmental Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
* environmental safety?
:: Ken-ichi Yamazaki and Members of Yamazaki Lab
* Molecular Biology, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University
:: Hisatoshi Shida
* Nikon Imaging Center
:: Takeharu Nagai, Kenta Saito, Masahiro Nakano, Kentarou Kobayashi, Hiroshi Nishino
* Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, Hokkaido University
:: Tomomi Nemoto, Terumasa Hibi, Ryosuke Kawakami
* Muroran Marine Station Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
:: Taizo Motomura
* Laboratory of X-ray structural biology, Department of Advanced Transdisciplinary Science, faculty of Advanced Life Science
::Isao Tanaka
* Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our study will not contain any manipulation associated with pathogenic bacteria, live salmonella bacteria. Although we are planning to use a part of Salmonella's genome which was obtained from Salmonella Genetic Stock Centre (SGSC), our instructor obtained appropriate permission from the safety officer of genetic recombination in our universities. These E. coli were acknowledged as non-pathogenic and permitted to be used under P1 safety level.
===Academic Institutions===
* Salmonella Genetic Stock Center/University of Calgary
* Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science
* Department of biological science/School of Sciense
* Institute for Genetic Medicine
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our lab is equipped appropriately for the manipulation and genetic recombination of bacterial cells. Team members are instructed according to the safety training manual.
* Primary Cell Co., Ltd.
* ECONiXE Co., Ltd.
* Hokuto Kohki Engineering Co,. Ltd.
* COSMO BIO Co., Ltd.
* Mendel Workshop Co., Ltd.
2. Do any of the new BioBrick parts (or devices) that you made this year raise any safety issues? If yes,
* did you document these issues in the Registry?
* how did you manage to handle the safety issue?
* How could other teams learn from your experience?
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Currently there are no BioBricks which raise any safety issues.
3. Is there a local biosafety group, committee, or review board at your institution?
* If yes, what does your local biosafety group think about your project?
* If no, which specific biosafety rules or guidelines do you have to consider in your country?
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have “the safety office of genetic recombination in Hokkaido University”.
4. Do you have any other ideas how to deal with safety issues that could be useful for future iGEM competitions? How could parts, devices and systems be made even safer through biosafety engineering?
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Currently we don`t have any suggestions.

Latest revision as of 09:59, 15 December 2011


  • HokkaidoU_Japan 2011

  • Welcome to the BIOxART Gallery!!

  • Be careful not to contaminate...

  • Meeting, meeting and MEETING!

  • Dr. E. coli get ready for the job

  • BIOxART, please feel free to look around

  • Experiment, experiment and EXPERIMENT!


We further developed "Dr. E. coli": our project of iGEM 2010. Last year, we showed that Type 3 Secretion System (T3SS) works in E. coli by injecting GFP into RK13 cells. T3SS is a syringe like organelle found in bacterium such as Salmonella which uses it to inject virulence effector proteins into a target eukaryotic cell. We think this system can be applied to direct reprogramming of somatic cells among many other things.

We tested T3SS performance and tried to make it more convenient. For this purpose we designed a plasmid backbone which can instantly produce ready-to-inject fusion proteins from ordinary biobrick part. Using it, we tried to further characterize this system by injecting a library of protein domains.

In Science Gallery we exhibited awesome photographs related with biotechnology in public. We tried to catch the pedestrians’ interest in current synthetic biology and explore their thoughts.


We held the new type science art gallery "Bio Art" at the center of Sapporo city.

This gallery is not only for our team.You can also enjoy Bio Art on this Web page. You can watch more detail in Human Practice page.


Laboratory and Personnel

  • Environmental Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Ken-ichi Yamazaki and Members of Yamazaki Lab
  • Molecular Biology, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University
Hisatoshi Shida
  • Nikon Imaging Center
Takeharu Nagai, Kenta Saito, Masahiro Nakano, Kentarou Kobayashi, Hiroshi Nishino
  • Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, Hokkaido University
Tomomi Nemoto, Terumasa Hibi, Ryosuke Kawakami
  • Muroran Marine Station Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
Taizo Motomura
  • Laboratory of X-ray structural biology, Department of Advanced Transdisciplinary Science, faculty of Advanced Life Science
Isao Tanaka
  • Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University

Academic Institutions

  • Salmonella Genetic Stock Center/University of Calgary
  • Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science
  • Department of biological science/School of Sciense
  • Institute for Genetic Medicine


  • Primary Cell Co., Ltd.
  • ECONiXE Co., Ltd.
  • Hokuto Kohki Engineering Co,. Ltd.
  • COSMO BIO Co., Ltd.
  • Mendel Workshop Co., Ltd.