Team:Hong Kong-CUHK/Human practice


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<p>In order to reach Synthetic Biology to the public, to ease their worries on this before the public can make good use of it, we designed a variety of methods to introduce and promote Synthetic Biology to the outsiders.</p>
<p>  Last year, we had designed a mini-questionnaire to know more about the perception of the public on Synthetic Biology. To achieve more, we put much more effort in human practice this year.</p>
<p>  The questionnaire this year was done in a greater scale with larger sample sizes. Also, the participants were from a wider variety of academic background as well. Besides understanding the perception, we stressed on more about the safety issue this time. Other than the questionnaire, we have also organized several talks that target different types of audience. For instance, we held high school talks to interest our leaders in future generation. As well as to interest them, we also want to raise the public awareness on the issue of safety. Our instructors had got a risk assessment report so as to ensure our safety during the project. We hope our effort in human practice can be reviewed in an improved manner towards Synthetic Biology from the public in the future.</p>
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<strong>Radio Programmes</strong>
We have done education on synthetic biology via local radiochannel. Our Chinese University Campus Radio (CUCR) is a public online radio (<a href=""></a>) targets at Hong Kong youngpeople.
Our team cooperated with CUCR to produce a radio program. Inthe program, we mainly discussed Synthetic Biology, iGEM competition and ourproject content. We also shared some interesting experience in laboratory andmembers’ aspiration.
To listen to our iGEM radio program, please click: <a href=""></a>,or simply listen to the following soundtrack.
Our team members also took part in another radio programorganized by CUCR to discuss about the Life Science program in CUHK. They alsodiscussed about the iGEM competition and introduced Synthetic biology andbiosafety to the general public.
To listen to our iGEM radio program, please click: <a href=""></a>,or simply listen to the following soundtrack.
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<p>Since the CUHK iGEM team aim to understand the perception of the public to the concept of genetic modification (GM) as well as Synthetic Biology, an online questionnaire designed by us was distributed in facebook. Several questions concerning science, GM and synthetic biology were raised. We were glad to see a diverging and yet meaningful result from the public with the total participation of 230, in which 113 of them are male and 117 are female. Participants are from different faculties including Art, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science as well as Social Science.</p>
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<p>From the results, we found that:</p>
·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;88% of the participants believe that science has a great contribution to the development of thesociety. Many acknowledge the importance of science. 86% of the total findscience interesting, which is good news to us as most of the public are notrefusing to science.
·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Over60% of the participants think that GM products are safe to consume and only 10%of participants think that GM products cannot be popularly applied in thesociety. It can be deduced that the acceptance from public to GM products ishigh and yet can be further promoted.
·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Onlyhalf of the participants have heard of Synthetic Biology before. We believemore promotion can be done to let a larger proportion of people to get to knowabout this powerful novel scientific field of study.
·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Near 70% of the participants have thought ofutilizing bacteria to benefit the society. Furthermore, if a product,consisting of non-disease causing bacteria, brings convenience to user, over80% of the participants will choose to use it. It can be deduced that thepublic accept the concept of using product consists of bacteria. The humanpractice on Synthetic Biology has its effect achieved.
·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two-third of the total think that the process ofgenetically controlling bacteria is dangerous and only 20% of the participantsbelieve that it is not risky to use the product of Synthetic Biology. It isglad to see that the public might have noticed the potential risks of SyntheticBiology. However, we suggest more safety issues in Synthetic Biology should beeducated to the public. On one hand, to ease the worries of the public on thesafety of it. On the other hand, to address the issue professionally to thepublic so they can know more about it in an efficient way.
·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Finally, we raise the issue of ethics, whetherhuman beings have the right to control bacteria just because we wish to. Wehope to raise the concern from the public on this issue, to let them think morethoroughly on this.<a name="_GoBack"></a>

Revision as of 11:00, 5 October 2011

In order to reach Synthetic Biology to the public, to ease their worries on this before the public can make good use of it, we designed a variety of methods to introduce and promote Synthetic Biology to the outsiders.

Last year, we had designed a mini-questionnaire to know more about the perception of the public on Synthetic Biology. To achieve more, we put much more effort in human practice this year.

The questionnaire this year was done in a greater scale with larger sample sizes. Also, the participants were from a wider variety of academic background as well. Besides understanding the perception, we stressed on more about the safety issue this time. Other than the questionnaire, we have also organized several talks that target different types of audience. For instance, we held high school talks to interest our leaders in future generation. As well as to interest them, we also want to raise the public awareness on the issue of safety. Our instructors had got a risk assessment report so as to ensure our safety during the project. We hope our effort in human practice can be reviewed in an improved manner towards Synthetic Biology from the public in the future.