Team:Queens Canada/Notebook/Protocols/GelElectrophoresis


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<h3red> Agarose Gel Electrophoresis</h3red>
<h3red> Agarose Gel Electrophoresis</h3red>
<regulartext> <b> Storage and Labelling </b> </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - Label the file of picture of gel according to this standard: </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - [#] P-dd_mm_yy </regulartext> <p>
<regulartext> - # is the nth gel run that day in the lab </regulartext> <p>
<regulartext> - P is the initial of the last name of the professor whose lab the gel was run in </regulartext> <p>
<regulartext> <b> Materials </b> </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - Loading Dye </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - 100kb+ DNA Ladder</regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - 5X T4 DNA Ligase (4µL) </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - 1% Agarose Gel (50mL 1X TBE and 0.5g Biotech Grade Agaraose)</regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - Gel box and power supply</regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - Ethidium bromide stain</regulartext> <br>
<regulartext> - UV box/gel imager</regulartext> <p>
<regulartext> <b> Making Agarose Gel </b> </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext>1. Weigh out 0.5g of agarose and add to a 250ml Erlenmeyer flask. <br>
2. Add 50ml 1X TBE to the flask and mix by swirling.  <br>
3. Microwave TBE agarose until the solution becomes clear and obtains a uniform consistency. (First microwave for 1min and then for 30sec intervals. DO NOT allow the solution to boil over in the microwave). <br>
4. Use glove to remove flask from the microwave. Allow flask to cool on the lab bench for 5 min (But do not wait until the gel starts to polymerize) <br>
5. Take out EtBr from -20⁰C freezer. Add 3μL to 50mL TBE agarose and swirl the flask to mix. Return EtBr to the freezer immediately after use. (Note: EtBr is a carcinogen and a mutagen. Always use glove and lab coat, if available, to handle things contaminated with EtBr.)<br>
6. Carefully pour TBE agarose into the casting tray to avoid bubbles. Make sure the tray is placed on a flat surface. Insert comb into the TAE agarose gel. <br>
7. Let the gel polymerize for 20min. <p>
<regulartext> <b> Sample Preparation </b> </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext>1. Add appropriate amount of loading dye such that the mixture of loading dye and sample contains 1X concentration of dye. If using 5X dye, use 4 parts sample and 1 part dye. <br>
2. Use appropriate volume of ladder (depends on the ladder used). <p>
<regulartext> <b> Electrophoresis </b> </regulartext> <br>
<regulartext>1. Add appropriate amount of loading dye such that the mixture of loading dye and sample contains 1X concentration of dye. If using 5X dye, use 4 parts sample and 1 part dye. <br>
2. Use appropriate volume of ladder (depends on the ladder used). <p>

Revision as of 15:14, 21 September 2011

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Storage and Labelling
- Label the file of picture of gel according to this standard:
- [#] P-dd_mm_yy

- # is the nth gel run that day in the lab

- P is the initial of the last name of the professor whose lab the gel was run in

- Loading Dye
- 100kb+ DNA Ladder
- 5X T4 DNA Ligase (4µL)
- 1% Agarose Gel (50mL 1X TBE and 0.5g Biotech Grade Agaraose)
- Gel box and power supply
- Ethidium bromide stain
- UV box/gel imager

Making Agarose Gel
1. Weigh out 0.5g of agarose and add to a 250ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Add 50ml 1X TBE to the flask and mix by swirling.
3. Microwave TBE agarose until the solution becomes clear and obtains a uniform consistency. (First microwave for 1min and then for 30sec intervals. DO NOT allow the solution to boil over in the microwave).
4. Use glove to remove flask from the microwave. Allow flask to cool on the lab bench for 5 min (But do not wait until the gel starts to polymerize)
5. Take out EtBr from -20⁰C freezer. Add 3μL to 50mL TBE agarose and swirl the flask to mix. Return EtBr to the freezer immediately after use. (Note: EtBr is a carcinogen and a mutagen. Always use glove and lab coat, if available, to handle things contaminated with EtBr.)
6. Carefully pour TBE agarose into the casting tray to avoid bubbles. Make sure the tray is placed on a flat surface. Insert comb into the TAE agarose gel.
7. Let the gel polymerize for 20min.

Sample Preparation
1. Add appropriate amount of loading dye such that the mixture of loading dye and sample contains 1X concentration of dye. If using 5X dye, use 4 parts sample and 1 part dye.
2. Use appropriate volume of ladder (depends on the ladder used).

1. Add appropriate amount of loading dye such that the mixture of loading dye and sample contains 1X concentration of dye. If using 5X dye, use 4 parts sample and 1 part dye.
2. Use appropriate volume of ladder (depends on the ladder used).