Lab Notes - July
Biobrick Group
Day | Note | ||
Jul.4th Monday |
Jul 5th Tuesday | |||
Jul.6th Wednesday |
Jul.7th Thursday |
Jul.8th Friday |
Jul.9th Saturday |
Jul.10th Sunday |
Day | Note | |||||
Jul.11th Monday |
Jul 12th Tuesday |
Jul.13th Wednesday |
Jul.14th Thursday |
Jul.15th Friday |
Jul.16th Saturday |
Jul.17th Sunday |
Day | Note | ||||
Jul.18th Monday |
Jul 19th Tuesday |
Jul.20th Wednesday |
Jul.21th Thursday |
Jul.22th Friday |
Jul.23th Saturday |
Jul.24th Sunday |
Day | Note | ||||
Jul.25th Monday |
Jul. 26th Tuesday |
Jul.27th Wednesday |
Jul.28th Thursday |
Jul.29th Friday |
Jul.30th Saturday |
Jul.31th Sunday |
Jul.13th Wednesday
Systems of restriction digestion with EcoRI and PstI
Plasmid | 1μL (>100ng) |
EcoRI | 1μL |
PstI | 1μL |
10×Buffer Tango | 2μL |
ddH2O | 15μL |

Temperature grad
56℃ 57.4℃ 60.2℃ 62.9℃ 64.3℃ 65.8℃ /p>
PCR system (test the Tm of the primers CP1&CS, NP&NS)
10×Buffer | 2μL |
dNTPs | 0.5μL |
primers CP1 (NP) | 1μL |
primers CS (NS) | 1μL |
Template | 1μL |
rTaq | 0.2μL |
H2O | 14.5μL |
Total | 20μL |
Within each compartment are components: include different types of biomass ,substrates , products. biomass is often divided into active microbial species, inert cells, and extracellular polymeric substances(EPS).
The components can undergo transformation, transport, and transfer processes. For example, substrate is consumed, and this leads to the synthesis of new active biomass.
All process affecting each component in each compartment are mathematically linked together into a mass balance equation that contains rate terms and parameters for each process.
Model Selection:Many kinds of Mathematics models have been founded to describe a system of biofilm. Models of different dimensions (1d, 2d, 3d) focus on different properties of a biofilm. Since we care most about the oxygen concentration gradients perpendicular to the substratum, numerical 1-dimensional dynamic model(N1) would be a proper choice for us.

Early July
Pre-experiments with biofilm formation with circular and non circular silicone tube, 24 well plate on different support including glass, paper, plastic film, rubber. The final material are used based on the easiness biofilm form on them and on the easiness to observe under microscope.

28th July
13.30: DH5α 11p 5mlX4
23.00: silicone tube set at 37℃ /p>
29th July
13.00: LB culture 50ml with circular culture medium. LB culture 50ml with noncircular culture medium.
31st July
13.00: -80℃ storing silicone tube. A thick white and loosely bond substance is seen on the inner wall of the 5mm silicone tube, and on the inner wall of the 1mm silicone tube a flatter and smoother white substance. Especially obvious where the tube turns. Possibly because the speed of culture flow is slower.