Team:IIT Madras/Dry lab/Modelling/Simulations


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Simulations for Proof of Concept

Concept: Increase in cell growth rate due to Proteorhodopsin in Carbon stress conditions.

Simulations for Proof of Concept: We varied glucose uptake rates in the range 0.5-12 mmol/g-dw hr and calculated growth rates for Model_WT and Model_PR. Observing percentage increase in growth rate we could deduce the advantage given to cell due to Proteorhodopsin’s light driven proton efflux.

Observations: As the glucose uptake rate was reduced the advantage to the cell due to Proteorhodopsin in terms of growth rate increased. Upto 30% increase in growth rate (See Figure 1 & 2) can be observed due to Proteorhodopsin at high carbon stress conditions.

Figure 1 and 2 : % Increase in growth rate observed due to Proteorhodopsin (Proton efflux = 2 and 10 mmol/g-dw hr) for varying glucose uptake rates respectively.

According to the model the following reactions showed major flux changes due to Proteorhodopsin :

  1. 'adentylate kinase GTP '
  2. 'adenosine hydrolase'
  3. 'dihydroorotic acid menaquinone 8
  4. '3 isopropylmalate dehydrogenase'
  5. 'psicoselysine transport via proton symport periplasm
  6. 'purine nucleoside phosphorylase Deoxyadenosine '
  7. 'L threonine via sodium symport periplasm '
Reaction Knockout Analysis of '3 isopropylmalate dehydrogenase' was lethal and the other reactions didn’t have major effects on growth rates .