Team:Arizona State/Templates/jquery-lavalamp
* jquery.LavaLamp - light up your menu with fluid, jQuery powered animations. * * Requires jQuery v1.2.3 or better from * Tested on jQuery 1.2.6 and 1.3.2 * * * * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010 Jolyon Terwilliger, * Source code Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * * * credits to Guillermo Rauch and Ganeshji Marwaha ( for previous editions * * Version: 1.0 - adapted for jQuery 1.2.x series * Version: 1.1 - added linum parameter * Version: 1.2 - modified to support vertical resizing of elements* Version: 1.3 - enhanced automatic
- <a href="#">Phone Home</a> *
- <a href="#">Make Contact</a> *
- <a href="#">Board Ship</a> *
- <a href="#">Fly to Venus</a> *
* * Additional Styles must be added to make the LavaLamp perform properly, to wit: * * <style> * ul.lavaLamp { * padding:5px; // use some minimal padding to account for sloppy mouse movements * } * ul.lavaLamp li.backLava { * z-index:3; // must be less than z-index of A tags within the LI elements * } * ul.lavaLamp li a { * display:block; // helps with positioning the link within the LI element * z-index:10; // or must be higher than li.backLava z-index * } * </style> * * Once you have included the basic styles above, you will need to include * the jQuery library, easing plugin (optional) and the this LavaLamp plugin. * * jQuery Easing Library 1.3 available here: * * Example LavaLamp initializing statement: * $(function() { $("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ fx: "easeOutBack", speed: 700}) }); * finds all UL elements in the document with the class of 'lavaLamp' and attaches the * LavaLamp plugin using an easing library fx of OutBack and an animate speed of * 700 milliseconds or 7/10ths of a second. * * * List of Parameters * * @param target - default: 'li' * valid selector for target elements to receive hover effect * * Example: * jQuery("div#article").lavaLamp({ target:'p' }); * assigns all p elements under div#article to receive lavaLamp hover events * * @param fx - default: 'swing' * selects the easing formula for the animation - requires the jQuery Easing library * to be loaded for additional effects * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ fx: "easeOutElastic" }); * animates the backLava element using the OutElastic formula * * @param speed - default: 500 * sets animation speed in milliseconds * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ speed: 1000 }); * sets the animation speed to one second. * * @param click - default: function() { return true; } * Callback to be executed when the menu item is clicked. The 'event' object and source LI * DOM element will be passed in as arguments so you can use them in your function. * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ click: function(event, menuItem) { * alert(event+el); * return false; * } }); * causes the browser to display an alert message of the variables passed and * return false aborts any other click events on child items, including not * following any links contained within the LI * * @param startItem - default: 'no' * specifies the number LI element as default, starting with 0 for the first element * Used to manually set the default lavaLamp hi-light on load. * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ startItem: 2 }); * selects the third element in the list as default location for backLava * * @param autoReturn - default: true * defines whether the backLava hover should return to the last selectedLava element * upon mouseleave. * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ autoReturn: false }); * turns off the autoReturn feature - backLava element will stay on the last element * that you hovered over. * * @param returnDelay - default: 0 * how many milliseconds to wait before returning the backLava element to the last * selected element. Only works if autoReturn is set to true (default setting) * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ returnDelay: 1000 }); * waits one second after mouseleave event before returning to the last selected * element. * * @param setOnClick - default: true * defines whether a clicked element should receive the selectLava class and become the * most recently selected element * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ setOnClick:false }); * disables selecting of elements once clicked - after you leave the parent list element * the backLava will return to the original default element the page was loaded with. * * @param homeTop - default: 0 * @param homeLeft - default: 0 * @param homeHeight - default: 0 * @param homeWidth - default: 0 * allows you to define an independent 'home' element where the backLava defaults to or can * be sent to. This can be used to define a unique starting and/or resting place for the * backLava upon leaving the parent element. * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ homeTop:-100, homeLeft:0, homeHeight:20, homeWidth:600 }); * creates a home element 100 pixels above the parent container with a height of 20px and * width of 600px. If the parent element has CSS of overflow:hidden, this can provide * an interesting fly-in effect * * @param returnHome - default:false * adjusts behavior of the backLava element when the the mouse leaves the parent container. * the default behavior of 'false' causes the backLava element to stay on the active menu * items after it is first triggered. this feature respects the returnDelay parameter, if set. * this feature overrides the autoReturn parameter. * * Example: * jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ returnHome:true }); * causes the backLava element to always return to the homeLava position after * mouse leaves the parent container. this can be manually triggered by running * the command jQuery("ul.lavaLamp").mouseover(); * * */
//console.log(); (function(jQuery) { jQuery.fn.lavaLamp = function(o) {
o = jQuery.extend({ target: 'li', fx: 'swing', speed: 500, click: function(){return true}, startItem: , autoReturn: true, returnDelay: 0, setOnClick: true, homeTop:0, homeLeft:0, homeWidth:0, homeHeight:0, returnHome:false }, o || {});
return this.each(function() { // ensures parent UL or OL element has some positioning if (jQuery(this).css('position')=='static') jQuery(this).css('position','relative');
// create homeLava element if origin dimensions set if (o.homeTop || o.homeLeft) { var $home = jQuery('<'' class="homeLava"></''>').css({ left:o.homeLeft, top:o.homeTop, width:o.homeWidth, height:o.homeHeight, position:'absolute' }); jQuery(this).prepend($home); }
var path = location.pathname + + location.hash, $selected, $back, $lt = jQuery('[class!=noLava]', this), delayTimer, bx=by=0;
// start $selected default with CSS class 'selectedLava' $selected = jQuery('.selectedLava', this); // override $selected if startItem is set if (o.startItem != ) $selected = $lt.eq(o.startItem);
// default to $home element if ((o.homeTop || o.homeLeft) && $selected.length<1) $selected = $home;
// loop through all the target element a href tags and // the longest href to match the location path is deemed the most // accurate and selected as default if ($selected.length<1) { var pathmatch_len=0, $pathel; $lt.each(function(){ var thishref = $('a:first',this).attr('href'); //console.log(thishref+' size:'+thishref.length); if (path.indexOf(thishref)>-1 && thishref.length > pathmatch_len ) { $pathel = $(this); pathmatch_len = thishref.length; } }); if (pathmatch_len>0) { //console.log('found match:'+$('a:first',$pathel).attr('href')); $selected = $pathel; } //else //console.log('no match!'); } // if still no matches, default to the first element if ( $selected.length<1 ) $selected = $lt.eq(0);
// make sure we only have one element as $selected and apply selectedLava class $selected = jQuery($selected.eq(0).addClass('selectedLava')); // add mouseover event for every sub element $lt.bind('mouseenter', function() { //console.log('mouseenter'); // help backLava behave if returnDelay is set if(delayTimer) {clearTimeout(delayTimer);delayTimer=null;} move(jQuery(this)); }).click(function(e) { if (o.setOnClick) { $selected.removeClass('selectedLava'); $selected = jQuery(this).addClass('selectedLava'); } return, [e, this]); }); // creates and adds to the container a backLava element with absolute positioning$back = jQuery('
// compute border and padding differences on styled backLava element bx = parseInt($back.css('borderLeftWidth').match(/\d+/))+parseInt($back.css('borderRightWidth').match(/\d+/))+parseInt($back.css('paddingLeft').match(/\d+/))+parseInt($back.css('paddingRight').match(/\d+/)); by = parseInt($back.css('borderTopWidth').match(/\d+/))+parseInt($back.css('borderBottomWidth').match(/\d+/))+parseInt($back.css('paddingTop').match(/\d+/))+parseInt($back.css('paddingBottom').match(/\d+/)); //console.log("bx="+bx+", by="+by);
// set the starting position for the lavalamp hover element: .back if (o.homeTop || o.homeLeft) $back.css({ left:o.homeLeft, top:o.homeTop, width:o.homeWidth, height:o.homeHeight }); else { $back.css({ left: $selected.position().left, top: $selected.position().top, width: $selected.outerWidth()-bx, height: $selected.outerHeight()-by }); } // after we leave the container element, move back to default/last clicked element jQuery(this).bind('mouseleave', function() { //console.log('mouseleave'); var $returnEl = null; if (o.returnHome) $returnEl = $home; else if (!o.autoReturn) return true; if (o.returnDelay) { if(delayTimer) clearTimeout(delayTimer); delayTimer = setTimeout(function(){move($returnEl);},o.returnDelay); } else { move($returnEl); } return true; });
function move($el) { if (!$el) $el = $selected;
$back.stop() .animate({ left: $el.position().left, top: $el.position().top, width: $el.outerWidth()-bx, height: $el.outerHeight()-by }, o.speed, o.fx); }; });
}; })(jQuery);