Team:Paris Liliane Bettencourt/Notebook/2011/08/29/


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Team IGEM Paris 2011




New attempt of ligation and destroying the next PstI site.

2 times 500ng of S24 was digested in SP for 3h 2 times 500ng of QCP YFP TetR was digested in P for 3h 500ng from the tubes 1 and 6 was digested in XP for 1h and the digestion runned on a gel.

A gel extraction of the band was carried on the lione 1. The result is about 9ng/µL.

ladder - 1 - 6
Cutted band


The S24 and YFP will be ligagted together.

A ratio of 1:1 and 1:6 will be explored.

  • S24: 3,3 kb
  • YFP-TetR: 1,4 kb
  • 50ng of vector DNA
  • minsert = Ratio X mvector x BPinsert : BPvector

That gives:

For the ratio 1:1: 21 ng of insert For the ratio 1:6: 127 ng of insert

The YFP-TetR will be ligated on itself. This manipulation removes the additional PstI site.

Only the tube one will be carried on.


knock out of CodY gene of the strain php13-v10-6b

nothing on the plates We should re-do the extraction of genomic DNA


Every of my strains grew. I selected three clons of each and tested them with a PCR colony. Only two clons seemed to be good for the transformation of the ligation of the tRNA alone with the promoter before.