Team:Tokyo Metropolitan/Notebook/S26


Revision as of 15:59, 5 October 2011 by Watachin (Talk | contribs)


@plasmid extraction and restriction enzyme(XbaⅠ, PstⅠ) Anti-killer Device-no.6(pSB1C3), Anti-killer Device-no.7(pSB1C3), J23100-P0140(J61002), AHL inducible Device(pSB1C3), E0240, I13522

find binds each sample

@gel extraction
J23100-P0140(J61002), AHL inducible Device(pSB1C3), E0240, I13522

@ligation and transformation
J23100-P0140(J61002) and pSB1C3, I13522 and pSB1C3, AHL inducible Device-no1,2(pSB1C3) and E0240


@restriction emzyme oriTr-GFP EcoRⅠ, SpeⅠ

@restriction emzyme oriT EcoRⅠ, XbaⅠ

@restriction emzyme oriTr-GFP SpeⅠ, PstⅠ

@restriction emzyme oriT XbaⅠ, PstⅠ

@restriction emzyme oriTr-GFP-oriTr

-Speeding up-

Preparation for Speeding up device assay

Making LB plate with 0.2~1.5% agar