

Grey iGEM Logo UPO icon


Wiki design

Edu Pictures

Luis Eduardo Pavón

  • Week 1

    Task Distribution preliminary meetings. First sketches on logos, Web and Wiki.

  • Week 2

    Final designs on Logo and Web (,

  • Week 3

    First designs on Wiki, abstract and team sections added.

  • Week 4

    Browsers and Operative Systems'compatibility improvement, both for the Web and the Wiki.

  • Week 5

    Diverse subsections added to the Wiki,

  • Week 6

    Design of Data Page tours.

  • Week 7

    Most contents uploaded to Wiki. Dynamic Home Page developed.

  • Week 8

    Finishing touches and rest of contents uploaded.

  • Final weeks before Boston Jamboree

    Tornillos y genes security improvements, further SPAM filters added. Web navigability and design upgrades. Horizontal menu added and new implementation of vertical menu. Brand new look for Wiki!