Team:Bilkent UNAM Turkey/pRbcBRL


pRbcBRL is a plasmid vector that enables transferring of its genetic information to the host (target) organism( in our context, it is chlamydomonas reinhardtii). The transfer of genetic information allows the synthesis of certain protein or nucleic acids that does a certain job inside the cell (intracellular) or outside the cell (extracellular). pRbBRL plasmid contains synthetic luciferase gene from renilla reniformis) that is adapted to the codon usage of the chlamydomonas reinhardtii. This plasmid is originated from well known plasmid pBluescriptII-KS through basic molecular genetic changes. Phleomycin and zeocyn antibiotic resistance that is found in the plasmid allows the selection of the plasmid in chlamydomonas reinhardtii. HSP70A (heat shock protein 70A ) promoter fused with Rbcs2 promoter are transcriptional activators and enhancers of RNA polymerase stability on DNA. The first intronic sequence and 3’ UTR sequence from Rbcs2 (small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase) helps to enhance transcriptional rate.
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