Team:Wageningen UR/Safety/Five


Revision as of 20:55, 2 September 2011 by Bryback (Talk | contribs)

Building a Synchronized Oscillatory System

Biosafety and biosecurity considerations

Would the materials used in your project and/or your final product pose risks to security through malicious misuse by individuals, groups or states?

In itself, the cell chassis that is used is not considered to be dangerous to human beings. Despite the involved BioBrick systems of our project, the chassis is not pathogenic or harmful. If a person or organization with malicious intent were in need of a living toxin producing system, our BioBrick systems would be very inefficient; it seems highly unlikely that the system or any of its components could be weaponized. A biological terrorist ( or organisation) would have wanted all cells of the fungus producing a toxin, so it would be useless if the cells would make it one by one, in the prolongation of a hypha. Because of the above reasons we think our BioBrick system is reasonably secure.