

Revision as of 02:40, 22 September 2011 by Arnau (Talk | contribs)


We have contributed to the Registry with three set of parts of three different bacterian functions. We have worked with bacteriocins which are protein compounds produced by bacteria that inhibit or kill closed related species, like this we can get a good decontamination of water.

For this research we use, COLICIN G and COLICIN H.

We have used two different colicins, toxic exoproteins produced by Escherichia coli and related bacteria. To inhibit bacterial growth of strains similar or close, during the growth of their cultures. They are the best-characterized group of bacteriocins. Synthesis of colicins is coded by genes located on Col plasmids.

Their interaction with sensitive bacteria includes three steps: (1) binding of the colicin molecule to a specific receptor in the bacterial outer membrane; (2) its translocation through the cell envelope; and (3) its lethal interaction with the specific molecular target in the cell.

Afterwards we have utilized another bacteriocin too: Microcin C51 (MccC51).

Microcins are gene-encoded antimicrobial polipeptides secreted by certains Enterobacteriaceae. It is an antimicrobial nucleotide-heptapeptide produced by a natural Escherichia coli strain. It is found in a plasmid, which carry the genes involved in MccC51 production, secretion, and self-immunity.

We have though to regulate these molecules activity according of different pH. It is for this, Synecocistis will cause this pH change. We will prove how change this activity.

<groupparts>iGEM011 Valencia</groupparts>