Brendan Ryback
Member of the Wageningen_UR team
Name: Brendan Ryback
Age: 24
Nationality: USA/Germany/Netherlands
Studies: Master Biotechnology
Role within the team: Hosting weekly team meetings, designing & testing constructs, disagreeing with Mark
Shoe size: 43
Favourite lab song: Madonna - Hung Up
Favourite Hot beverage: Wiener Melange coffee with one sugar cube because it's delicious and reminds me of simpler times.
Favourite Lab Job: Running the fluorescent plate reader and coming up with ridiculous explanations for what the cells might be doing.
Favourite Lab anecdote: One time we started the plate reader way too late and had to rush out of the building before the alarm went off. I had to sneak in early the next morning and shut it off before anyone could notice we left it running.
Favourite Lab apparatus: Lego-Robot controlled fluorescence microscope.
If you would need to pick a pirate attribute what would it be? If I had a parrot sitting on my shoulder I would teach it to recite lab protocols so I wouldn't have to look them up every time.