

Revision as of 11:13, 12 September 2011 by Martijn (Talk | contribs)

Building a Synchronized Oscillatory System

Martijn Wapenaar

Member of the Wageningen_UR team

Name: Martijn Wapenaar

Age: 22

Nationality: Dutch

Studies: Master Biotechnology

Role within the team: I take care of the finance and arrange sponsors for the project together with Youri. My main focus is on outreach and ethics. I also manage the public relations and help out in the lab.

Shoe size: 43

Favourite lab song: Rabiosa by Shakira ft. Pitbull. It certainly improves my pipet skills.

Favourite Hot beverage: Tea.

Favourite Lab Job: To fill a 96-well plate with our Synchrosillator strain and different AHL concentrations accompanied by Shakira (see favourite lab song)

Favourite Lab anecdote: If everything goes well, we’ll have it done by tomorrow!

Favourite Lab apparatus: The LEGO Mindstorms robot, because with that we don’t have to manually control the microscope every ten minutes.

If you would need to pick a pirate attribute what would it be? … a sword?! To fight the person that came up with this question

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